
"If I do fall, it will be for you, Islinda. I won't allow Aldric to triumph over me. He won't win this battle," 

As Valerie fervently declared his determination not to let Aldric win, Islinda stiffened in her seat, her expression a mixture of concern and unease. His insistence on sacrificing himself for her and refusing to let Aldric emerge victorious only reinforced her growing suspicion that Valerie's feelings toward her bordered on obsession. The same with Aldric's. Both of them were mad. 

The intensity in Valerie's eyes was undeniable, his unwavering resolve sending a chill down Islinda's spine. She had never doubted his sincerity or loyalty, but this level of commitment felt suffocating and alarming. 

"Valerie, please," Islinda implored, her voice tinged with apprehension. "I appreciate your willingness to protect me, but this... It's too much. You're risking too much for me, and I can't bear the thought of being the cause of your downfall."