Too Late For Excuses

Trigger warning : This chapter featured an attempted r*pe


"You should go back to your sleep, I'm good now." Islinda's voice was soft but firm as she spoke to Valerie, her eyes tracing the contours of his bare chest. In his haste to get to her, he must have forgotten to get decent. As much as she no longer felt something towards him, her body had its own feelings, and mighty thanks to Aldric, it was thrumming with desire. Aware of the precariousness of the situation, she knew she couldn't allow herself to falter.

Valerie's disappointment was evident in his eyes as he absorbed Islinda's words. He must have realized, once again, that their romantic prospects were futile. Islinda had made it clear before, and now it was up to him to accept reality and let go of his hopes for something more between them.