[Bonus chapter]A life for a life

Adela pressed a hand against her nervous heart.

"Go on, father,"

Kaiser de Lanark opened his eyes; they kept darting between the window and his daughter as he recalled the events of that forsaken night.

"I was told that one of the maids was having a life-threatening delivery, her husband begged for a doctor so loud that his cries came through the window and filled the King's sick chambers... For years, I kept hearing that man's screams after they told me what he did when his wife lost her life that night,"

She winced. It was true then. Egon's father was denied a doctor when so many were so close by, with his wife passing away, he must have been driven to insanity.

It was a cruel fate indeed. One that could have been avoided. 

"Could you not have spared one doctor, father?" She asked with a strained voice.

Kaiser clenched his jaw; it was yet another unforgivable deed committed by the late King. But he was not the only one to blame.