Breakfast with a huntress

Hold your head up high, hold it up high... She chanted silently in her mind like a mantra, trying to bolster her confidence as she followed Sator who had arrived early in the morning to escort her to the garden where breakfast awaited.

With red, puffy eyes that hadn't experienced a wink of sleep, Adela frowned as she trailed behind the whistling majordomo. The contrast between Bernard and Sator was painfully evident.

Lost in her thoughts, she found herself outside, too dazed to navigate her way back on her own if she wanted to later on. However, the sight that greeted her when she finally focused knocked her back a step.

"Olga is here already," Sator murmured in surprise.

It wasn't the beauty of the exotic floral garden nor the well-set table with unfamiliar plates and glasses that captivated Adela, but rather the woman seated on Egon's left.