One eyed monster (part two)

The open arena — drenched in rain from the raging thunderstorm in Lanark's sky — added an extra layer of anxiety to Adela's already nerve-wracked state.

The torrential downpour obstructed the view even for those without visual impairments, and combined with the darkened sky, the conditions couldn't have been more unfavorable for Bastian, his noisy footsteps and overall demeanor led Adela to the conclusion that Bastian was trying his best to compensate for those disadvantages.

Surely, he's a human...

She made a deliberate effort to focus on her own inner essence. Her awakened eyes failed to perceive any emanating light, yet she fixed her gaze upon the tips of her fingers attempting to recall the shape of the white hue she saw in her dreams. She desperately hoped that, unlike Nicolas and his limitations as a regular human, Bastian possessed the ability to absorb light like his brother.

Thinking about Egon was a big mistake right now.