[Bonus chapter]Dangerous words (part 3)

He took a deep breath and shook his head as if to dismiss the last thing she said to him.

"Don't do this to me, Adela," Egon said, his sudden pacing adding to the tension in the room. "Do you realize the consequences if you leave Lanark?"

Adela held his gaze, her mind pondering the intertwining of their fates. Were they bound to each other to such a degree that separation was impossible?

Would you come with me? It was a question she would never dare to ask aloud.

Egon paused, his brow furrowing in confusion. "What's going through your mind?"

"...I'm contemplating your words... the consequences of me leaving Lanark. What precisely do they entail?" She inquired, a sudden strange hope blooming in her heart, a strong desire for him to make an effort to dissuade her, to provide a compelling reason to reconsider.

Egon tightened his jaw twice, "You can't betray these lands and go to another." 
