Different monsters (part 1)

As the carriage glided forward, Adela's initial shock transformed into an exhilarating rush of adventure coursing through her veins.

Aldric chuckled softly, a twinkle in his eyes as he remarked, "I told you it would take a moment to get used to it."

She looked up at him, a delighted smile on her face. "It feels like floating above a windless, soundless Lanark... Like I have wings,"

"Ah, our shared love for homeland," he mused, a hint of nostalgia in his voice.

Her smile faded as they glided past the King's former estate, and an inexplicable sense of longing took hold of her. In that moment, Adela felt an urgent need to connect with Egon, to feel his presence or even a faint tug in her heart. But as her gaze fixated on the vacant space to the right, disappointment washed over her, for there was no discernible connection to be found. It was as if a shield had emerged, obscuring any bond that had once existed between them.