Entangled in deception

"We left for the same place, but we didn't see each other there. Then... My brother, uncle, and I had to go back without bidding goodbye. I wanted to come and apologize for that," Bastian explained regretfully.

"That's quite alright, Sir Bastian. How are you? How is your family?" Adela asked innocently, attempting to conceal her curiosity about Egon and the struggles of House von Conradie.

Bastian blinked once, his hazel eye losing some of its shine, and he replied, "They are doing well. Thank you for asking. We are all well."

It didn't sound like everything was well with his family at all.

"I have to go now, Adela," Aldric interrupted, handing her falcon back to her. "I will be back this evening," he said, looking straight into Bastian's eye. "Bastian, you remind me of someone I once knew..." Aldric's lips curled into a subtle, nostalgic smile. "Come to my ship later today, it's parked at Lanark's dock not too far away from here."