Crossing another line (part 2)

Egon leaned forward, intertwining his big hands on the small coffee table before them. His eyes briefly glanced at the tray with the champagne before meeting Adela's gaze again.

"Please, go ahead. All I ask is for honesty, and I will be completely honest with you too," she said, wanting him to take the lead in the conversation.

One moment of intense staring passed between them before he took a deep breath, causing his chest to puff out even more, straining the buttons of his white shirt.

"Why did you remove the wretched thing?" he asked, his voice climbing up an octave, showing a hint of vulnerability.

"I only kept it because it brought back memories you tried taking away from me. But that contradicts with what happened up in the reception room. I heard your voice in my head,"

He ran both of his hands through his hair, then folded them across his chest, trying to gather his thoughts.