Egon's poem

Under the ominous crimson hue of Lanark's somber midnight, Adela found herself lost in contemplation amid the sea of official documents scattered across her desk, detailing the affairs of the Kingdom.

Suddenly, her attention was drawn upward as multiple knocks resonated through her chamber, catching her by surprise.

"Young Kannen!"

She hurried to the window and opened it with a soft creak. "There you are, my dear," she whispered with a heartfelt smile appearing on her lips. "Come on in!"

Kannen glided gracefully into the room, his long, strong feathers appearing even darker black under the moon's eerie red gaze. With a sense of purpose, he headed straight for the parchment that Adela had carefully prepared for these frequent visits of his. A pair of yellow eyes called her attention, beckoning her his way, as he perched on a nearby ledge, indicating his dedication to the important mission they shared.