The seed of doubt

The passage of days turned into nights, and nights melted into days once more. At last, the day of the farewell celebration had arrived.

"Please, nanny," Adela batted her eyelashes at the Baroness a couple of times, trying to sound as miserable as possible—an easy feat since her heart was already heavy. "I haven't seen him for the past three days. Just summon him for me already!"

The Baroness looked as if she had bitten into a sour lemon, reluctant to give an immediate answer, her eyes lingering on the tightly clasped fingers of the Lady's hands, which were grasped together as if she were offering a prayer.

"My Lady, cease putting me in such a difficult predicament. Even your betrothed is honoring our Emorian traditions. You shall lay eyes upon each other on your wedding day."