Traitors beneath the crown (part 1)

A palpable tension had settled in the entire property ever since the wedding attendees had returned to the Archduke's estate. Except for Claude, who was escorted by Larissa and the Archduchess to his chambers in the manor, the men amongst the guests gathered in the Archduke's study.

"Is this the impartiality you pledged?" Leopold snapped, his entire demeanor trembling with anger. "My blameless nephew is spending his wedding night in a fuc*ing dungeon!"

"Leopold," the Archduke cautioned, his hand resting on his throbbing forehead. He was on the brink of offering guidance on how to address the Princess of Kolhis when Sasha's fingers lightly brushed his arm, causing him to pause.

"Yes, indeed, and I fuc*ing placed him there to ensure his safety," Sasha affirmed, glancing at Kaiser as he pressed his temples with a renewed tension. "Please pardon our Kolhisan, Kaiser."