All the fires to put out (part 2)

Egon responded without delay, "Sasha and Claude de Lanark share distant blood ties. It's unsurprising that the Emperor would extend his influence over him. Sasha won't waste any time seizing her opportunities."

The hurried departure plans of others left an unsettled feeling within Adela.

"Was I the only one who noticed Princess Sasha's fascination with Leopold von Conradie? I assumed she had intentions to pursue him here in Lanark."

It was yet another revelation that struck Egon.

"…Sasha is interested in Uncle Leopold?"

Keen on guiding the conversation toward her desired direction, the Archduchess shifted uncomfortably in her seat.

"The political landscape after Emanuel de Lanark's time is complex. Connections shift, alliances change. We must prepare for any and all potential outcomes."

Recognition finally flickered in Egon's obsidian eyes.