Proving trust (part 2)

Lanark's sun sank below Adela's window, while Lady de Lanark von Conradie wrestled with her uncertainties, feeling pathetically pulled by the irresistible force that was her husband.

Is following his lead really so bad?

It shouldn't be.

While she wished he didn't need to test her trust this way, she was deeply committed to their relationship and willing to meet him halfway.

Wearing her riding attire, she retrieved her emblemed dagger from her jewelry box. Her fingers caressed the proud falcon of House de Lanark, drawing strength from its emblem. She pushed aside any lingering guilt regarding her father's edict and slipped the dagger into her waistband.

"You're still hesitant... You're just like your father."

Despite his sharp tone, the sound of his voice sent her heart aflutter. He had been absent for a while.