Her great escape (part 2)

As if by some miracle, her attempt to whistle bore fruit. A sharp, piercing noise cut through the tension-laden air of the throne room.

Aldric, who had both arms extended forward, poised to shield Adela from an impending bullet, snapped in frustration, "I'm trying to save your life here, Sister!"

Samandra's eyes disengaged from Aldric's gaze and were redirected toward Adela. Her light green eyes gleamed with a strange admiration. Yet, Lady de Lanark von Conradie had her own focus on the Archduke, repeatedly pointing with the white straw at the emblem on her necklace.

Father! It's me! Her eyes screamed the message, though no words escaped her lips.

Kaiser acted swiftly, drawing his sword in an instant. Sasha mirrored his actions.