An absence worthwhile

Viscount Mathew extended a hand to assist the Archduchess of Lanark as she disembarked from her father's carriage. Her eyes on her son's face, he appeared perfectly normal as he proudly took his place at the front of the entourage prepared to receive the King of Emoria. Flanked by the Queen on his right, the Crown Princess of Kolhis on his left, and the surrounding knights and guards around them.

What was that about an encounter between Noctavian and Egon then?

The prince's entire face lit up upon seeing his grandfather step down from the carriage after the Archduchess. Kaiser de Lanark was, without a doubt, a man the young Prince looked up to.

"How have you been, Your Majesty?" he greeted, bowing to the only figure he showed such respect to in the entire Kingdom.

"Better now that I have seen you, Noctavian," the King replied, patting the Prince's shoulders, while the women of House Lanark exchanged warm greetings and hugs.