A dreaded piece of news

After bidding farewell to Andreas and Larissa then spending another passionate sleepless night together, the Archduke and Archduchess departed Latora and headed back to Lanark on camelback. Adela dozed in and out as her head rested on Egon's broad shoulders.

"We're at the borders, love."

"Hm.. Yes."

She straightened up, rubbing her eyes with the back of her hands. Egon removed the drapes from the camel carriage, descended, and extended his hand signaling for Adela to trust her body to him.

Despite her ability to independently descend with grace, she willingly complied with her husband's request.

"Down you go," he said as he let her feet touch the sand before releasing her.

Adela's amused expression soured as she observed Xavier being led towards them on the borders between Latora and Lanark, dispelling any remaining drowsiness from her eyelids.