Chapter 6

(𝐒𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐮𝐩𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐞. )

"We won! We won! Now go and set up the table guys. We will roam around. And we need the table to look clean and presentable, okay" Said Jungkook after winning the badminton match. Namjoon just smiled and Jimin and Taehyung went away to prepare the table with sullen faces.

Namjoon and Jungkook were strolling around admiring the beauty of the clear sky, cool wind was making them feel fresh and calm. It was quiet and serene and they felt happy.

But the happiness did not last long. Suddenly few people came out of nowhere and they had daggers in hand, revolvers in their pockets, and masks on their faces. The aura was not good at all....

"Yoongi!! "

"Stop shouting, let me do my work, it will be fixed in a minute. Just keep your mouth close" Yoongi answered both of his brothers grumpily.

"But we are late, what if they are back on their way to the house," questioned Hoseok while vigorously tapping his feet on the ground while moving restlessly.

"Don't take the stress. Calm down. They are there to enjoy they won't hurry up. I know them very well. They would even take a nap there. What worries me is about that Namjoon. He is there with him! What if he causes any harm to them? " Asked Jin concerned leaning on the car.

"Stop arguing, let me fix this damn car" yelled Yoongi.

They both stopped bickering, stared at each other for a second, and looked down and nodded. Yoongi let a sigh and started repairing again. The problem was not only the car punctured but also a wire got fused in the engine. So it took more time than they thought which increased their anxiety level as they were feeling an unknown fear that was instilled in them.

After fifteen minutes, Yoongi was finally able to repair the car. All three of them hurried inside the car and sped off towards Burlywood.

In Burlywood,

A fight had started. But the problem was it was a real fight, not the one that the older members of Bangtan thought would take place.

The three boys were fighting elegantly with no fear, instead they were enjoying it. But all of them protected Namjoon. They would kill anyone with one instance who neared Namjoon. Namjoon was standing in the circle formed by the three boys. His hands clutched the revolver but his hands were shaking, mind instilled with terror. He was used to the gun firing, and blood splashes here and there but today he was feeling worried not for himself but for the kind souls protecting him from the Slyers. They and Slyers had a talk before this fight happened.

They told that they don't want to fight just want Namjoon to surrender and come with them. At this little comment, Jungkook was so furious that he slashed his knife at the person who commented, and in seconds he was dead, blood forming a pool on the ground. This was the spark that led to this fight. And Namjoon felt miserable as he was the reason for this fight to start.

The other three members reached there and found that a fight had already taken place. All three of them worried and ran off to protect their little family.

They saw that Jimin was piercing daggers at every person his eyes landed on. Taehyung was keeping a keen watch on Namjoon while shooting with his shotgun. Jungkook was handling everyone like toys breaking their limbs, hands, and jaws. He had his gun but he enjoyed the sound when breaking people's bones. The older brothers were standing there with a smirk and feeling proud that they taught them well. They decided to interfere only when they thought it became dangerous for any one of them. But Jin was keenly gawking at Namjoon's actions.

The lady -commander 'Hana' came to the scene but was hiding behind some trees. She was watching avidly. She spotted Namjoon scared like a child amidst the three boys who looked like the devil to her and she was taken aback a little at the way they were fighting the people and gulped, removing a little sweat forming just by seeing the boys. To go there and capture Namjoon was not an option for her. It will be like going into the cage of fire herself. So she needed a distraction. And she found one. Jungkook. He was the only one who was fighting one on one. The other two were killing two or three at a time die and they were discreetly observing everyone. If she was to cause a distraction it is only Jungkook.

She hid behind the closest tree she can and aimed at Jungkook with her rifle ready to aim at Jungkook's chest.

But two people became alert and ready for action.

One was Namjoon who accidentally saw someone aim at Jungkook. And even though his hands were shaking, lips dry due to the battle ,he aimed at the lady. No one was paying attention to Namjoon, not even the lady.

At the same time, Seokjin saw Namjoon aiming his gun at the lady ,but for him, it seems like Namjoon was aiming at Jungkook. He got worried for Jungkook and decided to shoot Namjoon before Namjoon can shoot at Jungkook

It was the fate of time. Both the boys shot at the same time. Everyone paused their actions. Everyone was shocked..