Chapter 16

"Where is Joonie? Did he eat the breakfast? Call him we are getting late. " Said Seokjin while bringing egg rolls and kimchi fried rice.

"Ohh, I forgot to tell you that Joonie ate his breakfast already and he went to the nearby convenience store. " Said Jimin while taking kimchi rice into his plate and kicking Jungkook's leg to remove his sleepiness as he was laying on the table and yawning.

"Why? What was so urgent? " Asked Yoongi.

"Just something. I also don't know what he wanted" Said Jimin.

"He has money, right? " Asked Hoseok with a worried face.

"Of course. Aren't we giving him plenty of money online through that website? " Said Taehyung with a naughty smile on his face.

"Ahh, yes how can I forget? It has been two weeks since I donated money. I should do that more often" Said Hoseok.

"How can you not! I am giving him money every week for his translation. " Said Seokjin and banging his fist on the table.

"Alright, alright. I will put an alarm in case I forget any week, don't be angry! " Said Hoseok while nudging Seokjin who was beside him and giving his sunshine smile to ease his hyung's anger.

"Don't be angry, we don't need to worry about Joonie as long as you are here. right hyung? " Asked Taehyung while looking toward Seokjin while wiggling his eyebrows.

"Me? Why?... Why you don't need to? " Asked Seokjin with big, questioning eyes.

"Why?... Isn't it because for a small translation from Korean to English you provide Joonie with a large sum of money online, I am right Professor Kim" Said Taehyung.

"Ahh... That... I-i am not the only one.. You.. You also give money .. Why pointing at me only!! " Said Seokjin while avoiding Taehyung's eyes.

"Yes, we also give money. But it was your idea according to my memory and it was brilliant. Our innocent Joonie won't be able to detect that we are the ones giving him money. But don't you give him extra for every little translation!" Said Taehyung. Seokjin ignored Taehyung and started eating quickly.

"Anyways, hyung it was a good idea. I and Jimin as the dancers who want dance instructions to be translated from English to Korean to see how others practice, Yoongi hyung who is a producer of songs need to read and listen to foreign songs to improve his own so he gives the songs in English to translate into Korean and you hyung as a professor of Zoology needs to know about every animal on the planet and hence gives different information about animals and plants. And for our Kookie and Taetae, are K-pop idols who give the messages of their foreign fans to be translated into Korean. But the hardest is to write fan messages, how do you two manage it, I did not have time so I did not see your messages, what messages you sent to Joonie? "Asked Hoseok while cutely eating fruits making Yoongi stare at him without blinking.

"You are right, thanks hyung. I remembered something very important.Our Taetate and Kookie act as K-pop idols ask our Joonie to translate the English messages into Korean that your so-called fans give to you, but you two go beyond the limits. How can you give our innocent Joonie such cheeky messages to translate? He is under eighteen, I think you know that. As his hyungs we should take good care of him, how can you give him that type of message? "Said Jimin while raising his voice a little.

" That... We.. I-i mean we... "Taheyung was trying to say something while kicking Jungkook's leg to wake him up who was still sleeping despite the argument going on. One hard kick from Taehyung and Jungkook was awake like he had the energy to beat thousands of bad guys.

" Yes, hyung we give him such messages. But we were not able to think of something so we would give messages to each other and then translate them to English and then send that messages to Joonie. "Said Jungkook not knowing that he might end up getting beaten blue-black by his hyungs due to his sleepiness.

" WHAT!! You give those cheeky and other types of messages to each other and then to Namjoon. "Shouted Seokjin.

" No! We don't! We don't give to Joonie we give it to each other. "Said Jungkook who was still not understanding what he was saying. Before Jungkook could spill more beans Taehyung shut his mouth by stuffing an apple in his mouth. Jungkook was shocked but still started eating the Apple looking with big bambi eyes towards Taehyung. Taehyung sighed as he could not even be angry after seeing his kookie's face.

"Do you really send anything that comes in your mind. If you send it to each other it's okay. But Namjoon is still underage. I won't allow this. And even if you were idols why would you want to read such messages. From now on don't send such messages to Namjoon, okay? Said Seokjin. Taehyung smiled and nodded happily as he was not scolded.

Just then the door was opened and Namjoon entered. His skin was pale and he was looking like he has seen a ghost. All the members understood that something is wrong.

"Are you okay, Joon? " Asked Seokjin while going towards Namjoon and standing in front of him with one hand in his pocket and one on Namjoon's shoulder.

"Ah.. Uh...nothing hyung, I am busy thinking about how to get out of the maze" Said Namjoon while giving a smile but Seokjin who just spent a few months with Namjoon understood him like an open book. He knew that Namjoon was lying but he did not want to push the topic as they were late and Namjoon might get uncomfortable. So he just patted on his shoulders and said " Everything will be okay. You have me by your side. "

At this Namjoon really gave a sincere smile and nodded. Then all of them headed towards there car. Namjoon had taken a small black bag with him.

It was time for Namjoon to enter the maze room. This was a difficult challenge and two people died in this maze. Namjoon entered the base and took a deep breath. Everyone else who entered the maze wore full sleeves clothes, gloves and wore everything that could hide their body so that the bats can't bite them easily. But Namjoon wore the normal inner black shirt, and outer black hoodie. He took out his bag and took out a small knife, a perfume bottle.

"A perfume bottle? What does he want to do? Jimin-ah did you give him a wrong advise! What would he do with a perfume bottle? " Asked Yoongi being worried about how Namjoon will pass this challenge.

"Don't worry. Trust our Namjoonie, I am sure he has a way out of it. " Said Hoseok while drinking Americano and giving one to Yoongi. Yoongi saw Hoseok's smiling face and his worries flew in a blink.

"Yes, he will come out of the maze in minutes. " Said Yoongi and then both him and Hoseok cheered with there Americano.

In the maze room the bats were to be send in the maze within five minutes.The maze was designed as such that there was a common passage called as stage at the start and from there three small,narrow passages of which only one was correct.And once you enter the correct one there comes the second stage where again there are three passages and it went till five stages with three short passages were present making it a total fifteen paths in all. Namjoon went to the second passage of the three but it was a false one and the traps got activated and suddenly from the walls flew out small arrows, sharp but can be hardly seen. Luckily, Namjoon dodged the arrows and was okay. After that he went to the first passage and it was the right one. But still Namjoon got out in the common stage and went to the third one and before the traps could be activated he just used the perfume and sprayed it there. Then he went towards the second one where the traps were deactivated and waited.

"What is he doing? Why spray perfume in the false passage and why did he not went ahead when he knew which is the right passage? What does he want to do exactly? Asked Jungkook to Jimin who looked like he was sitting calmly but he was anxiously staring at what Namjoon was doing. Jungkook sighed and did not say anything more.

After five minutes the bats were released. Everyone who was witnessing thought that the bats would now attack Namjoon, but to there surprise they immediately flew to the third passage which was a false one. The trap was activated and the bats screeched loudly and came to the common stage and then flew to the first one with the help of there senses. Namjoon without wasting anytime went to the third passage and saw that two bats were injured by the arrows. He picked them up and went behind the bats to the first real one. The bats were still in the second stage when Namjoon reached there. He quietly without making noise cut the dead bat with his knife and splattered the blood in the first passage. The bats immediately flew to the passage where he threw the blood. It came out to be a false one and the bats again panicked, screeched. Before they can fly out Namjoon threw the cut, dead bat in the second passage and hid himself in the previous passage. As he predicted the bats went to the second one and started sucking the blood of the dead bats. But the second one was also a false one and as the sensors were very sensitive the traps got activated and fire came out from the gun that appeared from the walls and three more bats died. The bats flew out of there in a hurry and into the third passage. Namjoon knew that that the third was on was correct and he dashed towards it. The bats were already flying ahead of him and he was slowly trailing behind them. The bats were in panick and confusion due to the traps and as they drank blood they were hungry for more.Namjoon was on the third set and only two were left. He made his next move. He took out a tuning fork out of his bag and threw it in the direction of first passage. As soon as the tuning fork fell it made a loud sound and due to it the bats were screeching and flying here and there. The advantage was that once a person enters a new stage there is a door which can be closed and opened as per convince by the person performing it. It can be used to trap the bats but here Namjoon was using the door to prevent them from leaving the place. Due to the noise made by tuning fork the bats were confused and they did not acknowledged the presence of Namjoon and he quietly threw the second dead bat and splattered blood in the first one. The bats flew when they smelled blood. Namjoon though that it would be a wrong one but it came out to be the right one as some bats flew to the next stage and some were still busy to suck the blood. Namjoon took out his knife and saw that only four bats were present leeching and sucking the blood from the dead bat. He killed those bats by sudden attack and went ahead in a hurry in case he miss the other bats as they can find their way and fly out of the maze. Two stages were still left to pass. Namjoon saw that they bats were still there and some bats flew to the first one and some were still flying in the common fourth stage. Namjoon threw the small perfume bottle which was made of glass. He threw the bottle in the second passage with full force. The bottle broke with the scent fill the second passage. The bats flew as they were hypnotized by the smell. The bats which flew to the first and second one was a false one with many small needles coming out with poison on the tip. None of the bats survived in the first and second passage. All the bats died due to the traps. Namjoon then smirked and went to the last stage following the third passage. In the last stage he came in front of each passage and struck the tuning fork. After strucking it in front of all three passages, he put the tuning fork in his bag and put his hands in hoodie's pocket and quietly walked through the second passage which was the correct one. And he successfully completed the challenge without getting any scratches. Jimin was astonished by Namjoon's action as he told him to use the bats but he would kill them in such a way was unexpected by him. All the other members were proud of Namjoon.

Namjoon entered the witnessing room and gave his dimple smile to his members. All of them nodded and smiled looking at him. Madam Hana was surprised by Namjoon's action and whispered something to one of her men.

At the home,

"Namjoon you totally rocked today. Those pesky blood thirsty bats, they attacked me and Seokjin hyung. They deserve it. " Said Jungkook while stuffing his mouth with noodles.

"Thanks hyung, I was very angry when Jimin hyung told me about what happened. " Said Namjoon.

"Namjoon, can you tell hyung how did you do all that? " Asked Jimin who was curious as no one used the method which Namjoon used.

"Hyung it is very easy when one is stuck in a maze. You did not tell that i can bring anything with me so i was afraid and tensed. But the moment you said I can bring any tools so it made my work much easier. The bats are attracted by a perfume which contains sulfur in it. So that was my first weapon. I used the knife to use blood as a source to lure them. That was my second weapon. And tuning fork. When hit on in a direction its waves travel in opposite directions along a closed passage, are reflected by walls, and return. So for the last stage I was able to know which is the correct one. "Said Namjoon. All had there eyes open in admiration and awe for there little brother. After the dinner everyone went to sleep in their respective rooms. Namjoon shared his room with Seokjin even though it was supposed to be Taehyung but Seokjin said that he wanted to sleep and it was then decided.

" Joonie will you tell hyung about something truthfully? "Asked Seokjin while buttoning up his night suit. Namjoon who was reading a book took out his speca nd kept the book and specs on table and nodded while giving an affirmative smile.

" Can you tell me what happened when you went to the convince store ? "Asked Seokjin.

This question made Namjoon recall the things that he was desperately trying to forget and erase from his memories.