Chapter 29

Seokjin's pov,

I daily had meetings with other mafia gangs so as to increase my strength. It was the usual dark, cloudy night where I was going to go home after attending a meeting. But today, the sky looked beautiful, filled with stars. The moon shined brightly and had company of the stars. I liked looking to the sky, it made me feel even for a little moment but it made me feel free. Suddenly, my mind got distracted by a loud noise of someone yelling a name.


I just got curious and went to see what was happening alone making my car and guard stand behind. I took my revolver just in case.

There I saw three people surrounded by group of ten people. From the three one is stabbed in shoulder and he must be Jimin because that was the scream I heard. The other two were protecting him, but they would lose. I sighed as I knew I was about to follow my stupid heart and help them, even though my brain was telling me to go away from there because ten people with loads of weapon and one alone with revolver that has maximum of four bullets. WowWow!! Dabeak!! I might die there in helping strangers!

Seokjin went and hit one guy on his head from the handle of his revolver. And then joined the three.

"Hey, wanna borrow some help? " Asked Seokjin.

"Gladly, won't mind unless you don't give a shit to the mafia gangs, who would be after you as well after you help us" Said Taehyung while stabbing a man on his legs.

"You would be in trouble if you help us hyung-nim. Are you sure? " Asked Jungkook with his bambi eyes.

"I bet I am sure, don't worry your hyung-nim might help you more than this, but if your are capable. " Said Seokjin and wnet into a killing spree. Jungkook took on the defence part staying beside Jimin while Taehyung and Seokjin attacked and took down each one by one. Taehyung was amazed by Seokjin's skills. Without making much efforts, Seokjin's swift moves and agile movements helped him to kill without getting tired.

"Hyung-nim... You ar-are a gre-great fighter" Said Taehyung panting and wiping his sweat and showing thumbs up to Seokjin.

Seokjin smile and then shot a person on his shoulder. The rest of them fled away knowing that they will only meet death if stay here for few more minutes.

Seokjin went to examine Jimin's shoulder.

"It's not very deep, I will help you . Are you okay coming with me to my house?" Asked Seokjin.

"We have taken many risks, and we are willing to go with you, you seem to be a nice person" Said Jungkook and Taehyung nodded.

Jungkook and Taehyung took Jimin in their arms, careful of his wound and followed Seokjin. They sat inside the car and Seokjin told the driver to speed up.

After reaching house, they went inside hurriedly. The house was a big one, but not lavish. It looked old and the paint was also coming off from the walls. But when the boys stepped inside they were dumbfounded. The house inside was simple, yet specked clean. Everything was at its place, very well organized.

"Here lay him down, I will bring the kit. And dont worry, I have a medical certificate, I can treat these small wounds" Said Seokjin while pointing at a chocolate coloured cushion.

Seokjin went and brought the medical kit and took a handkerchief out.

"But this in his mouth or else he might bite his tongue. I have to pull out the bullet. He has to bear that pain. " Said Seokjin.

Jungkook nodded and slightly pushed the Jimin's mouth and stuffed the handkerchief in. Jimin had gone unconscious after a few minutes when Seokjin came to help them.

Seokjin took out the bullet. Jimin had woken up due to the pain but when the bullet was out he slept again or was unconscious no one understood .

"He is fine, now. I will bandage it and he will have to be careful with his movement. " Said Jin.

"Hmmm..... Thank you very much for the help. " Said Jungkook and Taehyung while bowing 90° towards Seokjin.

"No, no.. It's nothing. I just wanted to help and I did. It's alright.By the way, why were the men behind you so desperately?" Asked Seokjin.

Jungkook and Taehyung looked at each other and Jungkook nodded and then Taehyung in short narrated the stories of all three.

"After that we were living quietly in a hotel when the men of human traffickers and some men of Song teamed up against us. And then you came to help us" Said Taehyung.

"I see.. You have been through tough times. I have a offer for you three. You can join me and my team and you can stay here with me.Be my partners. But let me tell you that I am mafia. But i dont do bad works I just do good work in my way Or save people illegally. I do drug deals not to sell them, but to hand them to police and get money from government. But I do in my own or illegal ways, not by abiding law. I also kill people, but I guarantee that not any innocent soul was or will be killed by me. So wanna join -'The Bangtan Gang'" Said Seokjin.

"We are willing because we are unemployed and have no where to go. Plus the people outside are after us. We want to become stronger in order to save ourselves and others. We are ready to help and be a part of the Bangtan Gang , hyung-nim" Said Jungkook and Taehyung.

"I am glad to join you. I can see from the first that you are good fighters. Now as for your first entry to my team, I will say the rules afterwards, for now I am making dinner, what do you want to have ? " Asked Seokjin.

"Anything, we don't mind, right? " Said Jungkook looking at Taehyung.

"Yeah, we like anything but we can save some food like for later.For Jiminie" Said Taehyung but it came more like a question.

"Yahh!! Why would we save for him?!! " Asked Seokjin.

"Huh.... He is unconscious right now and he also is apart of this team. So we need to keep the food for him to eat later when he gets up. " Said Jungkook confused in why this question was even asked.

"No, I did not meant that. I meant why we will save food from him. He is hurt and physically tired, he should eat freshly cooked food. So I will make food for him when he gets up. " Said Seokjin with a smile. Jungkook and Taehyung were feeling happy on their luck that they met such a good brother.

"Thank you hyung" Said both in unison at the same time and Seokjin got a little startled at the loud noise of both and dropped a spoon. Then they looked at each other and laughed.

"Let us help you hyung" Said Jungkook and Taehyung also nodded.

"Hmmm.... What should we make, ramyeon it's over, sadly. Ahhh.... How about fruit&nut pancake? " Said Seokjin while clapping slightly in excitement.

Jungkook and Taehyung's eyes twinkled and they nodded. They were very hungry as the fight had taken a toll over their body.

Seokjin started making while telling Jungkook and Taehyung small chores like bring the two eggs, bring the beater, take out the pan from the cupboard . Both of them helped willingly. The aroma of pancake made them lick their lips and their stomachs made rumbling sound.

Seokjin had made five pancakes and was on his last one and was about to flip to bake the other side when Taehyung like a little kid said.

"Hyung, hyung I wanna try, I wanna try to flip. It's looks so cool" Said Taehyung without blinking his eyes and looking at Seokjin with big eyes.

Seokjin looked at him and blinked rapidly and then looked at the half cooked pancake and blinked rapidly and then said " Here flip it. "

Taehyung gave a big boxy smile and giggled like a child. Seokjin and Jungkook smiled hearing the baby giggle.

Taehyung then took the pan and lifted it a little above the flame, ready to flip. The other two were watching Taehyung without blinking. They held their breaths like they were watching a match where the winner is not decided yet.

And then Tarhyung flipped the pancake. He flipped it so well that it landed straight...

"Huh?? Where is the pancake? " Asked Seokjin whose eyes were fixed on the pan which was now empty.


" Where is it? It did not fall down, no it did not, where did it vanished? "Seokjin was saying while his eyes busy looking down thinking that the pancake fell to the floor.

" Hyung!! The pancake is there" Said Jungkook.

"Where? " Asked Seokjin looking directly at Jungkook's bambi eyes.

"There, it landed perfectly" Said Jungkook while pointing at a direction. Seokjin followed the direction of Kook's hand. And there was the pancake!! Landed perfectly on Taehyung's head!!!

"THE.... THE PANCAKE!!! Taetae you... You have it on your head... Aishh!! You should not have done, if you have not tried before. What to do! " Said Seokjin in a ranting manner faster than a rapper.

Taehyung gives a sheepish smile and tried to take the pancake from his head.

"Wait, let me help otherwise, it will spoil your hair more" Said Seokjin and took a plate and glove and properly took out the pancake The unbaked side sticked half on pancake and half on Taehyung's head.

"Wash your hair Taetae i will make the last one again. Don't worry, atleast you tried to help. It's all okay" Said Seokjin.

"Hyung, let me make. I have helped my mom in cooking. I can make, you have a rest" Said Jungkook.

Seokjin nodded and showed Taehyung the way to washroom and then checked upon Jimin once. Jungkook made the last one and Taehyung came out clean, looking gorgeous in his wet hair with water dripping from them. Taehyung, Jimin, Jungkook each had a small bag which had their individual clothes. Taehyung wore one of his and then they ate pancake.

When Jimin woke up, Seokjin went to make the pancakes again for him while the other two explained that it is better for them to join the Bangtan gang. Jimin also agreed on it and they got familiar with each other in a short span of time.

Seokjin who always had a stoic face with cold aura learned to laugh, love and care for his little brothersbrothers as time went by.

They enjoyed each other's company more than anything. Seokjin did not have much interest in living and fighting to save himself on missions, but since the three munchkins came in his life he focused on his training and was careful at every steps. He trained his brothers with him for two months before actually taking them with him on missions.

Like any regular day, they had to do a mission. But they were going to kill the other team because they got complaints from smaller gangs that the - Magadon Gang is a notorious one causing unnecessary problems for all the gangs. So they told that if Bangtan is able to destroy the MagadonMagadon gang's base and capture the leader, then the smaller teams agreed to work under Bangtan.

Now the small teams took this decision because all know how dangerous Magadon gang is. They have agile assasins, great hackers and sharp shooters. But the most feared of all is not the leader - a 40 year old man Mr. Salas . It is the famous right hand of Salas called as -HUNTER.

It is rumored that when Salas was threatened by a gang named Sharks who was a very good gang was slaughtered by HUNTER in one night. HUNTER is a sharp shooter, very agile karate master ,very intelligent and loyal.

Seokjin knew this was a very dangerous mission but he has to take risks in order to be the king of mafia. But his only concern was now his little brothers. But they themselves insisted to go and complete this mission.. And so the four went to see who is actually the HUNTER as no one saw him and those who saw died, and how much strong that HUNTER really is...