Chapter 33

"Now our story is over, tell us your Joonie. " Said Jimin while keeping his hand over Namjoon.

"Hyung, I am telling the truth. I don't remember much about my past. But still whatever I remember I will tell you. " Said Namjoon thinking from where to start.

(Namjoon's pov)

I vaguely remember myself finding something in a building that was of Byung-ho but dont remember what it was. And then there was sudden explosion and I tried to rush outside but the building collapsed. I don't remember what happened and how I came to hospital.

But after opening my eyes, I saw the bright lights and creamy ceiling of the hospital.

After I was discharged, I was taken in the basement where you guys would visit me alternately.

And there are something things that trigger me, like...

I get anxiety a little bit when I see blue colour.

I dont like celebrating birthdays.

And i hate, hate that chest box kept in my cupboard.

Other than that my memory triggered sometimes

First time when I was fighting and saving hyungs from the guys who entered as bodyguards. At that time, I fainted and that lead to regain my memory of training and practicing. So i tried a few stunts and my muscle memory helped me.

The second trigger was when I opened that chest box.

(End of pov)

The third was when.... was when I went to the store. "Namjoon's voice was lowering down and down and his hyung's eyes widening more and more .

" Wow! Joonie you hid things from us very well. Not fair, we belived you inspite others telling that you are not open to us" Said Taehyung feeling a little dejected that they were not able to help Joonie open up to them.

"I am really sorry, I did not meant any harm. Those secrets and past of mine won't cause any harm to anyone except myself. Please, I really sorry" Said Namjoon pleading with teary eyes.

"Okay we will forgive you, but on one condition" Said Jimin.

"I will agree to any of your condition. Just please forgive me and accept my apology. I am willing to do anything" Said Namjoon .

"Okay, then tell us everything that you remembered or happened to you that lead to trigger. Honestly I want all the answers" Said Jimin.

That made Namjoon sat quietly on the cushion clutching his pants tightly. He then slightly nodded looking downwards.

"So tell us what happened at the store? " Asked Seokjin stopping Jimin to say anything because he knew Jimin would start with an easy question.

Everyone got shocked as well as curious at the question. Namjoon fiddled with his fingers and his hands were getting sweaty .

Namjoon narrated everything that happened to him with a guy named Jackson.

"Is he the same Jackson we know? " Asked Yoongi.

"Do you remember anything about your unnie? Anything more? " Asked Jungkook.

"You said that he called you with a name. What was that name? " Asked Seokjin.

"No, I don't remember anything about unnie.And the name, it was a different . Not regular Korean one, that's for sure" Said Namjoon.

"Okay, let's see you have a unnie but you don't remember her. You bumped into a guy named Jackson. Luckily we also know about one Jackson but we can't tell if both are the same person. We will call for a meeting with his gang later on, so you can verify whether it is the same person" Said Seokjin.

"Don't worry Joonie. It's all right. We will help you remember and help you meet people who you are familiar with" Said Jimin seeing Namjoon tensed up. Namjoon nodded but was not looking up at his hyungs.

"Now tell us what happened when you did Hoseok's challenge. " Said Yoongi.

"I recalled my practice that Byung-ho gave me " Said Namjoon and he narrated the incident of him running on barrels.

"But why were the alligators running behind you? Do you remember that? " Asked Taehyung.

"Because master tied a chain on my waist with meat tied to it. And there was blood splattered on me. To remove that stinky smell it took me two hours in bathroom. Ewww.. I still remember how stinky it was" Said Namjoon scrunching his nose.

"Wow, Joonie you were worried about the smell and not traumatized that the alligators were behind you, you might have died or something like that? " Asked Hoseok.

"I don't think that was the only challenge that master gave me. Or there might be other reason that reduced my fear." Said Namjoon trying to remember something but nothing clicked.

"Hmmm.... Now the next question and the puzzling one, what the hell is in that chest box? " Asked Seokjin getting a little agitated.

Namjoon went numb hearing the question. And the others were curious as well as worried as to what is in that chest box about which Namjoon has been so secretive .

"Hyung, I swear there is nothing that can harm anyone. Is there still any need to answer? " Asked Namjoon with his fists clenched tightly.

"We need to know and as a family we have the right to know. " Said Yoongi.

Namjoon sighed and shook his head and then looked at them straight in their eyes.

"It is a pill that i NEED to eat every two months. " said Namjoon.

"And why you need to eat it? What kind of pill it is? " Asked Hoseok.

"I don't know why and it is not like I don't remember, I really don't know why master gave me that pill to eat." Said Namjoon.

"How do you feel after eating it? Anything weird happens with your blood or something like that? " Asked Seokjin.

"I don't feel anything after eating it. And after Jimin hyung asked me that if my blood caused the eels to move away I tested it on a snake from your collection and made it bite me. I had no effect on me from snake bite and that was when I knew that my blood is poisonous. " Said Namjoon.

"Wow, you are a living poison. That Byung-ho is something. He managed to make a pill that makes his student immune to poison and when enemy attacks he just needs to make them taste his blood and game over. Cool" Said Yoongi excitedly.

"Yes, it is cool. I am able to even kill any animal or human just by using my blood. Now shall we move forward to next question?" Said Namjoon giving a small smile clearly trying to avoid something else.

"No, something is amiss. Tell me why don't you eat your food properly. Your weight is very less for your height. Why don't you have a proper meal? And why do you have constant headaches? " Asked Seokjin.

Namjoon looked like he was paralyzed . He tried to say but no words came out of his mouth. He knew if he go one like this then surely he will get a panic attack. He took a few deep breaths calming himself. The three maknaes got worried seeing him trying to fight his anxiety.

"There is no point in hiding. You all are too stubborn to be stopped. So i will tell it honestly as much as I know. " Said Namjoon.

Others nodded and Seokjin patted Namjoon's hands a little assuring him that it is okay to tell them.

"The headaches are the side effects of taking the pills. The pills do not react in my body or harm me, unless my metabolism increases . Meaning, if I eat more or even drink the metabolism of body will increase and that leads to anti reaction of pill. In anti reaction, I get severe headaches, body feels very tired that I can't walk without support and i cough up blood" Said Namjoon.

Others got shocked and Jungkook had tears in his eyes listening that his Joonie never showed to him the pain and suffering he is dealing with. Seokjin was too stunned to process and speak anything. He was angry with himself that he did not paid attention to his Joonie. Hoseok felt guilty for doubting Namjoon as he was only suffering due to the pills.

"What if.... what if you don't eat the pill? Won't you be free from all the problems? " Asked Taehyung.

"If I don't... Then within 10 days, I might be really free from all the misery of this world. Sadly, I have many unanswered questions, so I can't do that! " Said Namjoon with a sigh.

"Why don't why remove all your misery then, won't it be easy? " Asked Taehyung not fully understanding the meaning behind Namjoon's words.

"Taetae, he meant that he will die if he does not that that pill. How come you are so dense when you work in the mafia? " Said Jimin angrily because he was already worried to the max level when Namjoon said that he is suffering much and that time only Taehyung started his working ok his Taetae brain.

"Joonie.... You.... Umm.. You have sufficient pills right? " Asked Yoongi trying to get grasp of the situation and finally speaking as it was not expected by anyone that this would be the scenario.

"Sadly I thought that taking only half pill will be sufficient but i was proved wrong the next day only where I coughed up really bad with a nose bleed. So I had to eat the last half pill two days before only. " Said Namjoon.

Seokjin quickly got up from his place and took out his phone and talked with someone. After a good fifteen minutes, he came and sat again.

"What was that? " Asked Yoongi.

"I talked with our personal doctor, she said that we can bring Joonie along with the chest box. Even though it does not contain any pill she might be able to analyze" Said Seokjin.

"See, that's why I said that this won't harm you and only make more trouble for you and worry you all. I don't want any of you to get worried for my sake. Please" Said Namjoon.

"How can we not? A family always take care of other. And don't worry, you will be fit and fine within no time. Just from now if you feel pain, do tell us, we would love to ease your pain" Said Jungkook and Namjoon nodded with a smile

"What are you all talking leaving me alone in the room? " Asked Joon-wo coming out of hs room with sleepy hair and pouting trying to show his anger but the others can only witness the cuteness.

"Nothing, prince. Now you had a nappy, what would you like to eat? " Asked Hoseok.

"Chocolates! " Said Joon-wo beaming a cute smile.

"No Joonie, no chocolates" Said Jungkook.

"Did you forgot what punishment i gave you all. You can't stop me from doing what I like. How can you forgot what I told two hours ago? Forgetful hyung" Said Joon-wo giggling at the funny face Jungkook was trying to make him laugh.

"Okay, okay only for today. Let's go " Said Seokjin picking him in his arms and went towards the kitchen followed by others.

Then the Bangtan family had a very good meal served by their chef. Joon-wo had his chocolates to his fullest. Joon-wo developed a good binding with Namjoon within no time.

"Let's play hide and seek. I will find you all first. Come on" Said Joon-wo dragging Seokjin by one hand and Namjoon by other. Both boys had to bend so that he can held there hands. Both looked at each other and smiled.

Joon-wo started counting.


Namjoon was not well acquainted with the mansion, so he was thinking of where to hide when someone pulled him in a small space behind the couch and as from the other side there was wall, so it was difficult to find unless the person is an adult whose height is above the couch. Little Joonie's counting was over and ge started searching for his big brothers. He was a giggling while running slowly.

Taehyung and Jimin were hiding inside an empty cupboard, while Hoseok and Jungkook and Yoongi behind counter table in the bar and were casually having drinks which was the suggestion of Yoongi.

"hyung, aren't we..... we too close. " Said Namjoon getting nervous due to the closeness. Namjoon was on the floor and Seokjin was lying on top of him like hugging a teddy bear.

"Shhh... Be quiet, Little Joonie is very sharp. He can get alert due to very small noise" Whispered Seokjin.

Namjoon's mouth and lips went dry and his eyes were quivering due to closeness. Seokjin was lying and hugging and as he moved their lower parts came in contact again and again, making poor Namjoon blush as well as nervous. He was internally praying for Joon-wo to come and rescue him.

Namjoon felt Seokjin's breath on his ears and Seokjin's hands were lying on his clothes chest and Namjoon was 100% sure that he never had a heartbeat that fast and unruly.

Joon-wo entered the living room where they both were.

"Where are you... Uhh.. I am tired. " Said Joon-wo obviously saying that he is tired whereas he was watching for any movement like a hunter. But Joon-wo is after all a baby of 6 year old. Seokjin and Namjoon peeked a little to see what little Joonie was doing. And they saw that he was calling his hyungs while looking inside the bag where all his toys are kept. Little Joonie can fit in that bag, but it is difficult for Joonie to think that an adult can't be hidden in their. Little Joonie's rule is - if he can do, then anybody can do.

That was what he asked many times many ridiculous questions. He would make Jungkook eat kids plain food whenever Jungkooo whined after work that he is hungry. And refusal is never an option in front of Joon-wo. When Taehyung would call Jungkook , Hoseok or any other members as darling or baby, Little Joonie would often imitate and call Seokjin or Yoongi as darling or babe, because when he asked Taehyung the meaning, Taetae without giving a second thought said that these names are called for people you love. And the most heavy price was paid by Yoongi when he accidentally called fuck when one of his deal failed. Joonie saw that his brother was angry and said that word. So that day when Jimin and Seokjin refused to take him into swimming pool, he said Fuck you and went away trying to imitate the grumpy face made by Yoongi. Yoongi had to clean the mess made by maknaes in the playroom as well as their rooms which was deliberately made messier for Yoongi to clean up as when they can get chance to tease their grumpy grandpa.

Namjoon could not hold his giggle when he saw the cute angry pout on Joon-wo's face when he saw no one in the bag. Joon-wo immediately turned and gave a big laugh and clapped his hands and said

"Caught, I caught Big Joonie" . Namjoon cane out from his place leaving Seokjin there. As soon as he came in front if Joon-wo, the kid hugged his leg and signalled to pick him up. He giggled when Namjoon picked him and he again hugged rubbing his nose in Namjoon's neck and smiling making his little dimples appear.

Namjoon felt very nice and for the first time he had felt so calm and happy as he was always troubled by his past. Btu this little bundle of joy was able to calm him just by hugging.

But, Namjoon never thought that this little bundle of joy will be snatched away from his family.....