Chapter 48

The dimly lit alley echoes with the frantic footsteps of Jimin and RM, shadows dancing around them as they pursue the mysterious van. The urgency in the air is palpable, matching the pounding of their hearts.

Jimin's lungs screamed for rest but he continues "Namjoon, we can't let them get away!"

"I know, Jimin. We're almost there." Said RM fueled with anxiety as his brother was going far and far away from him.

Their breaths intertwine with the air, a symphony of determination echoing through the narrow path.Suddenly, the alley takes an unexpected turn, and in the urgency of the chase, RM collides with a pile of discarded crates. The crash resonates, momentarily distracting him from the mission at hand. RM again gets up and balances himself.

"Namjoon, keep up! We're losing them!"Jimin who was behind him was just keeping his eyes fixed on the van.

RM stumbles to his feet, his eyes filled with regret, but Jimin doesn't notice. As they sprint forward, Jimin's foot catches on a loose brick, sending him tumbling to the ground with a sharp cry of pain.

"Agh, damn it!"Jimin yells while clutching his foot.

RM, realizing Jimin is hurt, rushes to his side, guilt etched across his face.

"Jimin, I'm so sorry. I should've been more careful." Said RM.

Jimin who was in pain said through gritted teeth" It's not your fault. Just go! Catch that van."

RM hesitates, torn between the urgency of escaping and the lingering fear that the assassin might still be nearby. Despite Jimin urging him forward and the van pulling away, RM reluctantly decides to follow the van, his unease palpable.When RM was a few steps away, a piercing scream shatters the air, confirming RM's lingering suspicions. Jimin, caught off guard, falls victim to a swift blow from a rod to the back of his head. Stunned, RM watches as the van speeds away, leaving them in a moment of chaos. RM froze in his place his hands shaking unable to move his eyes anticipating in horror as the assailant was moving closer to Jimin.

In the midst of the confusion, a knife comes out of nowhere, finding its mark in the neck of Jimin's assailant. The rest of the team, led by Taehyung, emerges from the shadows. Taehyung shoots RM a disapproving look as he gathers the unconscious Jimin in his arms, the team now united in the aftermath of the unexpected attack. The weight of RM's hesitation hangs in the air, adding an extra layer of tension to the unfolding situation. They all head back to mansion as Joon-wo was with them and they don't want further damage.

At the mansion,

Yoongi's eyes narrowed accusingly at RM, the atmosphere thickening with resentment. "You were supposed to watch his back, Namjoon. How could you let this happen?" His voice was sharp, cutting through the room like a bitter wind.

RM's gaze dropped to the floor, his shoulders slumping under the weight of guilt. "I-I didn't mean for this to happen. I was just... distracted," he stammered, his words barely audible. He hesitated before continuing, "I was insecure about Joon-wo being with Soo Hoon, and it clouded my judgment during the fight."

Seokjin's eyes blazed with an intensity of anger as he lashed out, "Again! Really, Namjoon, we have to deal with your pathetic drama now? Insecure much? This is not the time for your absurd personal issues! Jungkook's safety hangs in the balance because of your ludicrous insecurities!"

A thick, oppressive tension settled in the room, almost suffocating, as Taehyung's fists tightened, his voice trembling with a mix of frustration and hurt. "You let your messed-up personal problems jeopardize all of us and throw Jungkook into the lion's den. How could you be so damn selfish? It's like your arrogance and stubbornness know no bounds, even in the middle of a crisis! For God's sake, there is absolutely zero evidence for you to doubt Hoon hyung. It's been one after another of your screw-ups since the very beginning."

Hoseok, who had been silently observing, couldn't hold back any longer. His tone cutting, he added, "This isn't just about you, Namjoon. Your absurd paranoia is risking the safety of the whole team. How can we trust someone who's so blinded by their own misguided suspicions? Your actions are putting everyone at risk, and I'm sick of it.

Seokjin's frustration erupted into a vehement outburst, "I get it, I've messed up with you in so many ways. Your life was on the line because of my bad judgment. But, at least, I kept that mess confined between us. Now, Jungkookie's stuck in the enemy's lair, and who knows what they might do to him? I never thought your suspicions would blow up into such a mess, Namjoon, but here we are."

His angry words lingered in the room, creating a thick atmosphere of tension. Seokjin continued, his tone cutting through the air, "I never imagined your unfounded suspicions would spiral into a full-blown crisis, putting not just you and me but the whole team at risk. This goes beyond our personal issues – it's about Jungkook's safety and the trust we had as a team."

"Let's first find a way to find Jungkook's location. " Said Taehyung while telling Soo Hoon to take care of Jimin and Joon-wo till they bring Jungkook back.

As RM followed the others to go to their secret discussion room, Yoongi stopped him.

"I can't believe we trusted you with Jungkook's safety," Yoongi spat out, his words like venom. "You've proven yourself unreliable. We'll handle this without you."

And the others left him all alone standing in the middle of the stairway. The hurtful words hung in the air, a painful symphony of accusations and disappointment. RM's attempts to explain himself were met with a wall of silence, the members turning away, each lost in their own thoughts of betrayal.

The atmosphere was thick with tension as the urgency to find Jungkook intensified. The team, usually a tightly-knit unit, was frantically trying to piece together any leads that could lead them to their missing brother. Every passing moment without news of Jungkook heightened the collective anxiety, and the room echoed with hushed whispers and panicked murmurs.

Yet, as RM attempted to contribute to the conversation, his words seemed to dissolve in the air, unheard and disregarded. His attempts to bridge the gap and offer his insights were met with a wall of indifference, adding to the growing isolation he felt.

RM's heart sank as he watched his friends turn away, shutting him out from the group he had considered family. The pain of their hurtful words and the guilt over Jungkook's abduction intertwined, creating a knot in his chest that seemed impossible to unravel. As they moved forward with their plans to rescue Jungkook, RM remained on the periphery, a pariah among those he once called brothers.As the team grappled with the fear of the unknown, the impending danger to Jungkook served as a harsh reminder of the fragility of the brotherhood that once defined them.

In a dark, dimly lit room it echoed with the muffled sounds of struggle as Jungkook, battered and bruised, was restrained in a cold metal chair. The menacing figures of the assassins circled around him, their faces obscured by shadows.

One of the assailants, draped in ominous dark attire, stepped forward, a malevolent grin etched on his lips. "You think your precious team can protect you, JK? We know everything about them. It's only a matter of time before you spill the beans."

Jungkook, defiant despite the searing pain, spat a mixture of blood and saliva on the floor. "You won't get anything from me."

The leader of the assassins chuckled darkly, "We'll see about that." He signaled to his comrades, and the beatings resumed with renewed vigor, blows raining down on Jungkook, each strike aimed at shattering his resolve. His body contorted in pain, but he clenched his jaw, determined not to give his captors the satisfaction.

Why aren't you grunting in pain? Huh? I want to hear your pleasing voice!" the leader yelled in frustration.

Jungkook moves his head upwards while giving a small maniac laugh,then looks straight in leader's eyes and flashed a defiant smirk. "This is child's play. Even our maknae wouldn't make a noise. Don't expect it from me – the strongest in physical strength in the team."

The leader, visibly angered by Jungkook's dismissive attitude, barked orders, "Yah!! Why did you stop hitting him? HIT HIM TILL HE BLEEDS. JUST DON'T TAKE HIS LAST BREATH AWAY."

Amidst the onslaught, Jungkook's sarcastic remarks continued, his words a shield against the physical torment. "Is that all you've got? I've faced tougher opponents in my sleep. You should consider a career change because this is just embarrassing." His smirk remained unwavering, turning the assailants' attempts to break him , into a futile exercise in the face of his unyielding spirit.

The interrogator leaned in, his eyes burning with intensity. "Your team has secrets, JK. Secrets that could bring them down. Tell us everything, and we might spare you a more painful fate."

Jungkook's gaze remained defiant. "You can torture me all you want. I won't betray my brothers."

Enraged by his resistance, the assassins intensified their assault. They taunted him with veiled threats and promises of agony, but Jungkook remained steadfast, unwilling to compromise the trust within his team.

The room echoed with Jungkook's labored breathing and the sickening sounds of violence, a cruel symphony of torment. The assassins, frustrated by his resilience, exchanged glances, plotting their next move to extract the information they sought.Jungkook, battered but unbroken, held onto the knowledge that his team would come for him. In the face of adversity, he clung to the unwavering bond that defined them, determined to endure the brutal onslaught in silence, protecting the secrets that bound him to his brothers.

Amidst the brutal torture session, the ominous figure who had earlier injected Jungkook with drugs stepped into the dimly lit room. His masked visage betrayed no emotion as he addressed the assailants with a tone laced with warning, "Are you out of your minds? By doing this, you're digging your own graves. Do you truly believe that Bangtan won't hunt you down? Blackmail them if you must, but this reckless approach will only provoke them to the point where finding a burial spot for you will be the least of your worries."

"The leader sneered, "How can you be so damn sure? What makes you think Bangtan will come after us? Did you have a bloody brawl with them or something?"

The masked man grimaced, "Oh, you bet I did. Enough to haunt my damn nightmares for months."

With an air of ominous authority, the masked man retrieved his phone and composed a message to the one he sought – RM.

"If you wish to save JK, venture alone to the forsaken factory at the crossroads of alley section 54. I am well-versed in your past as well. Attend solo, or be prepared to collect your brother's lifeless body from the same desolate location."

As RM's phone buzzed with the chilling message, a mixture of dread and determination flickered across his face. His eyes narrowed as he absorbed the threatening content, realizing the gravity of the situation. A bead of sweat formed on his forehead as he contemplated the difficult choice ahead. The room seemed to close in around him, the weight of the ultimatum pressing down as he grappled with the impending challenge to save Jungkook.

RM's mind raced, absorbing the ominous message and the stark reality that Jungkook's life hung in the balance. With a steely resolve, he formulated a plan to save his brother and confront the looming threat.

Taking a deep breath, RM decided that transparency was key. Gathering the rest of the Bangtan members, he disclosed the dire situation and the ultimatum he received. The atmosphere in the room became charged with a mix of tension and determination as RM outlined his plan. Though their might be disputes among them, they are not foolish enough to continue to fight when they found a way to rescue their soulmate.

"Listen, guys, we're not negotiating with these criminals. We're taking control of the situation," RM declared, his voice firm. "I'll go to the abandoned factory alone as they demand, but I need each of you to be strategically positioned nearby. We can't let them manipulate us. Our priority is to get Jungkook out safely."

Taehyung, Yoongi, Seokjin, and Hoseok nodded in agreement, the gravity of the situation reflected in their eyes. They understood the stakes, and their unwavering support resonated in the unity of the group.Yet, beneath it all lurked the harsh reality – it was all a brutal gambit for Jungkook's sake. RM and the others were acutely aware that their disputes are far from over.

As RM prepared to embark on this perilous journey, he armed himself with both determination and a contingency plan. The moon cast a faint glow over the city as RM, determined and driven, navigated through the maze of alleyways leading to the hideout of Byung-ho's assassin group. As who would be so daring other than Byung-ho to kidnap one of the members of Bangtan. His mind was focused on one thing – rescuing Jungkook and redeeming himself in the eyes of his brothers.

RM, alone but resolute, entered the desolate location, anticipating the confrontation ahead.The Bangtan members discreetly positioned themselves around the factory, ready to intervene if needed. The abandoned factory echoed with an eerie silence, but RM's focus remained unyielding. The masked man, perhaps underestimating the strength of Bangtan's unity, awaited RM's arrival, unaware of the tactical net closing in around him.

In the eerie stillness of the abandoned factory, RM stepped cautiously into the dimly lit space, his eyes scanning the shadows for any sign of the masked man. The atmosphere hung heavy with anticipation as the confrontation unfolded.

The masked man emerged from the shadows, a sinister smile playing on his lips. "Namjoon, I see you got my message. Wise decision to come alone. Now, we can have a little chat about your precious brother."

RM's gaze remained unwavering, a mask of stoicism concealing the intensity of his determination. "Let's cut to the chase. Where's Jungkook, and what do you want?"

The masked man chuckled darkly. "Impatient, aren't we? Well, here's the deal – you stay here with me, and I'll release Jungkook. Simple as that."

RM's mind raced as he weighed the options, realizing the masked man's ploy to isolate him. With a calculated nod, he feigned compliance. "Fine, I'll stay. Let Jungkook go."

As the masked man gloated in apparent victory, RM subtly activated a hidden earpiece, connecting with his waiting teammates strategically positioned outside the factory. "Guys, get ready. The plan is in motion."

As the confrontation unfolded, the masked man's sadistic grin widened, adding an unsettling tone to his words. "Namjoon, do you remember the sound of steel clashing, the weight of a katana in your hands? Or has your precious team made you forget your own past?"

RM's eyes narrowed, a flicker of recognition in his gaze. The masked man continued, tauntingly, "You used to wear a mask, didn't you? The very one you've conveniently forgotten. It's amusing how you work with a team now, but do they know who you truly are? Where are those katana swords you cherished, Namjoon? Have you misplaced them in the fog of your newfound little family."

RM unwavering. "Save your theatrics. My past is irrelevant now. Tell me where Jungkook is, or you'll regret it."

Undeterred, the masked man pressed on, "How about that abandoned warehouse where we used to train together? The echoes of our clashes still linger there. Don't you remember the thrill of it, Namjoon? The power you felt with every swing of the katana?"

RM, resolute, ignored the unsettling hints about his past, choosing to focus on the urgency at hand. "Enough of this nonsense. Jungkook's safety is all that matters. Lead the way or face the consequences."

The masked man's eerie laughter echoed in the factory as he signaled to his henchmen, who brought forward the battered and bruised Jungkook. Relief washed over RM as he saw his brother, but he maintained the façade of compliance.

As Jungkook was brought closer, RM seized the opportunity. With lightning speed, he disarmed one of the henchmen and incapacitated another, catching the masked man off balance and keeping the unconscious Jungkook by his side. The element of surprise worked to RM's advantage as he swiftly launched into a series of calculated attacks.

The air was thick with tension as he engaged in a fierce, one-man battle against the skilled assassins. Each move was calculated, every strike deliberate. He fought not only for Jungkook's freedom but to prove to himself and his brothers that he was still worthy. As the confrontation intensified, a few Bangtan men also joined. The main six brothers still did not came as they were told by RM only to make a move when he tells. Even though they were angry with RM for his mistakes, but when it comes to strategies and plans, they had learned from experience that he is even better than Seokjin and Yoongi.

"You said that you won't bring your team along with you. You broke the rules" Yelled the masked man.

"Where is my team? I don't see anyone. Them? They are just some loyal people who work for Bangtan. I don't even know their names. " Said RM with a smile and kicking one of the men. Hearing this the masked man cursed under his breath as he did not expect this.

In the midst of the struggle, RM sustained injuries – blows that would have left a lesser man incapacitated. But he pressed on, fueled by the determination to undo the damage caused by his earlier lapse. The fight was grueling, and RM's body bore the marks of the relentless combat.With swift and precise movements, he freed Jungkook from his restraints on his hands and legs. However, the joy of success was short-lived as RM felt a searing pain in his side. The masked man had stabbed on his lower right side deeply. He winced but masked the discomfort, because Jungkook was still lying unconscious on the ground.RM pushed the masked man and pulled out the knife and put it near the masked man.


The masked man signals them to let them go with a deep sigh.

"You win this time. But dont worry. We will meet soon" Whispers the masked man. RM picks up JK in bridal style as that was the safest position as he does not know about JK's injuries while telling his other men to take the masked man as hostage till they reach their safe place.

As they made their escape, RM led Jungkook through the shadows, concealing the pain that shot through his body with each step. He couldn't afford to show weakness; not now, not when their safety depended on his resilience.Back at their shared space, the others greeted Jungkook with a mix of relief and gratitude. They quickly rushed to check how JK was. Seokjin who knew first aid medical checked in Jungkook.RM, however, lingered in the background, his injuries concealed beneath a stoic exterior. He dismissed concerns about his well-being, insisting that the focus should remain on Jungkook's recovery.

The room buzzed with a mixture of emotions – relief, joy, and a lingering tension that RM couldn't shake off. Despite the victory, he couldn't escape the knowledge that his insecurities had led to this dangerous situation in the first place.As his brothers celebrated the successful rescue, RM retreated to the shadows once more, nursing his wounds in silence. The weight of his injuries served as a reminder of the sacrifices made in the pursuit of redemption. He chose to bear the physical pain in solitude, convinced that revealing his vulnerability would only add to the burden he already felt he had become.

The atmosphere in the aftermath of the rescue was strained, a mixture of relief and unspoken tension. RM, standing in the corner trying his best not to faint, watched as the others fussed over Jungkook, who became frail as he bore the visible marks of the brutal torture inflicted by the assassins.

Yoongi shot a cold glance in RM's direction. "Don't just stand there, Namjoon. Help us with Jungkook. We wouldn't be in this mess if it weren't for you."

RM nodded silently, suppressing the twinge of pain as he moved toward the group. He offered a hesitant hand to assist, but it was met with a pointed coldness.

Seokjin, his eyes hardened, spoke with a harsh edge, " Let him be standing their Yoongi. He is good for nothing. Might even cause trouble in such a small help.We can handle it. Just stay out of the way and dont cause trouble"

Hoseok, usually the peacemaker, avoided RM's gaze. "We need to focus on Jungkook's injuries right now. Dont fight now. "

Taehyung, though visibly concerned for Jungkook, couldn't hide his disdain. "You think a rescue erases your colossal screw-up? Don't kid yourself, Namjoon."

RM's efforts to contribute were met with a wall of indifference, the six brothers rallying around an unconscious Jungkook as if RM were a mere bystander. He bit his lip, determined to swallow his pride for the sake of Jungkook's recovery.As they tended to Jungkook's wounds, RM discreetly winced, his own injuries protesting against his attempts to assist. He chose to bear the pain in silence, not wanting to divert attention from Jungkook's more severe condition.

Seokjin's voice cut through the room, laden with resentment. "You should be grateful we're even letting you stay here. Don't think this changes anything. We will talk about further precautions and new rules after everyone gathers around".

He treated his own injuries by sneaking the medical box in his room. The wound was too deep , the blood kept flowing but RM was stubborn. He ignored and bandaged it.

The room buzzed with worried energy, but RM felt like a specter on the fringe as his brothers focused on Jungkook. Guilt gnawed at him each time he glimpsed the injured maknae, a burden he couldn't shake.

As the night crawled on, RM remained all alone in his own room, treating his own wounds with a stolen medical kit. RM peeled off his dark jacket and T-shirt, revealing a canvas of brutality etched across his body. Knife scars, cuts, and vivid purple bruises adorned his form, accentuated by a deep wound on his lower right abdomen. The cut ran deep, blood persisting, yet his stubbornness prevailed as he bandaged himself. Lying on the bed,he couldn't escape the haunting thought of what the day could have been without the assassins .The stolen moments of joy with their little prince now stained by the harrowing events, leaving him to grapple with the harsh truth that their lives were forever altered by the arrival of those ruthless assailants,wondering how a day meant for joy had twisted into a nightmare.

In the midst of his deep contemplation, a message popped up on RM's phone – a haunting recorded video. Clicking play, he was thrust into a tumult of emotions, watching helplessly as Jungkook endured unspeakable torment.The masked man's cruel words echoed through the screen, leaving wounds that ran deeper than the physical pain.

"Tch.. Tch.. Tch. Look at this, Namjoon. This soul is suffering because of you. You started their pain from the very beginning! They trusted you, spilled their secrets, and yet, here we are. Can you even forgive yourself? Pathetic! Those trusting souls picked a good-for-nothing as their seventh member

As the heartless laughter on the screen played out, a bitter truth settled – the devastation in their brotherhood was a tapestry woven from the threads of RM's past actions. The video wasn't just an assault on Jungkook; it was an assault on RM's very identity, unraveling the fragile bonds of trust and camaraderie that once defined them.

RM winced as the words lingered, the masked man's laughter haunting him. Simultaneously, a sharp pain pierced his chest. In his room, the masked man severed the orange string binding photos of RM and the other six, a cackling triumphantly.

"I won, Namjoon.

The first string is cut!"

As the string fell, so did RM's composure. Alone in his turmoil, he grappled with guilt and despair, his brothers oblivious to the tempest unraveling within him.