Chapter 61

Namjoon and the other younger five gathered in the main hall to discuss the details of their small trip to Syntek Pharmaceutical. They shared what they had retrieved and their suspicions that their mission had been leaked by someone.

Seokjin spoke up, "The girls might not have done this. They were in their rooms, and for security, Yoongi and I installed alarms. If the girls had left, the alarm would have alerted us. So they're out of the suspect list."

Jungkook added, "Two more people were here who shouldn't belong—So-Hoon and Jongin."

Hoseok nodded in agreement. "Kookie might be right. These two have caused a lot of trouble before. They could be the reason now as well. We should ask them."

The troubles and suspicious activities around them forced the boys to have this discussion even in the middle of the night. No one was able to sleep, so they decided to clear things up.

"And hyung, that Dae Jung is too strong. If Soobin and Yeonjun didn't have enough powers, we would've died at his hands," Namjoon said with a serious expression.

"Hyung, don't worry. We're not as weak as you think. You haven't seen our true powers fully. There's much more to show yet," Beomgyu said, trying to cheer him up.

"That's excellent. That's what we need now: confidence and determination," Yoongi encouraged.

"Yes, let's sort things out. One, the spy—someone is leaking our information and perhaps listening to our conversation right now. Two, Syntek Pharmaceutical—we need to find a way to deal with them before they take action against our younger mates. We need to find their weakness. Three, Joonie, you need to rest and recover as quickly as possible. You haven't gained your full powers yet," Taehyung outlined.

"You're right, Tae. Joonie, you have to be strong and help us in this. Is there any way you can gain your alpha powers?" Jimin asked.

"I don't know, hyung. According to the law of nature, an omega and alpha can't exist in one body. But I am. However, the control of alpha powers is not in my hands. I don't know how to express it, but it feels like the alpha powers are not mine. I can't control them," Namjoon explained.

"Maybe because you're not strong enough yet," Yeonjun suggested.

"But I've recovered fully. Namjoon, Namie, RM—they all have combined. So there's nothing more I can do. The power that I have lost will recover, but regarding the alpha powers I've gained, I'm not sure about that," Namjoon responded.

"Wait a second... If you've recovered fully, do you know who killed our sister and brother that night? Do you remember 'that' night?" Seokjin exclaimed, eyes wide with anticipation.

All the others turned their gaze toward Namjoon, waiting to hear if he really remembered everything and if they would finally know the real murderer of Joonwoo's parents.


There was hesitation in Namjoon's voice. But before Namjoon could answer, there was a loud bang outside the mansion. Everyone got up, weapons at the ready.

"Who dares to enter the mafia king's mansion?" Seokjin roared as he led the others outside.

They saw a shadowy figure dragging someone. A dead body was thrown at their feet, the face scratched so badly it was barely recognizable. The tall man with fiery eyes stepped forward, exuding an aura of lethal intent.


"Min-Ho!! How dare you act so bold and enter the Mafia King's mansion. Do you know the consequences of it?" Seokjin's voice rang with authority.

Min-Ho's eyes gleamed with a dangerous glint. "Consequences? From you? I'm trembling."

Seokjin and the others exuded confidence, but Namjoon and the other hybrids sensed the true danger this man posed. Namjoon quickly ushered Taehyun and Kai back inside the mansion.

"Listen to me, both of you. Take Joon-wo and go to Madam Hana's house. She will protect you guys. I'll send the rest of the boys later. Joon-wo can't be out in danger."

"Okay, we will leave Joon-wo with Madam Hana and return as soon as possible," Kai agreed.

"No! You won't! You can't leave Joon-wo alone. I trust you more than myself. You need to take care of him. I will send the others too. I promise," Namjoon instructed firmly.

"Hyung, I... I don't feel good. We can take care of Min-Ho, right?" Taehyun's eyes reflected his fear.

"Yes, I will. I have one big trick up my sleeve. Don't worry. Believe me. Now go," Namjoon reassured him.

Taehyun and Kai silently picked up the sleeping Joon-wo and left. Namjoon had entrusted this task to them because of their ability to run at an incredibly fast speed.

Outside, Min-Ho faced the rest of the mafia lords. "Jin, Suga, JHope, Jimin, V, JK - The mafia lords. The rumored strongest and undefeated team ever. I want to see how many minutes you can last against me!"

"You!! Don't you dare underestimate us. Those who have made that mistake are no longer alive," Yoongi growled, his voice dripping with menace.

Min-Ho chuckled darkly. "Don't worry. By tomorrow morning, this entire mansion will be a graveyard. I'll make sure of that."

Jungkook stepped forward, eyes blazing with fury. "Big words from someone who's about to get their ass handed to them. We'll see if you can back them up."

Jimin's smile was cold and calculating. "You won't be the first to try us, and you certainly won't be the last to fail."

Taehyung's eyes were dark with determination. "You think you can walk in here and make threats? You've got another thing coming."

J-Hope's usual cheerfulness was replaced with a deadly seriousness. "We'll make sure you regret every word you just said."

Namjoon, now back outside, joined the confrontation. "Min-Ho, you're making a big mistake. Leave now, or face the consequences."

Min-Ho's laughter echoed ominously. "I'll be the judge of that. Come on, show me what you've got. Let's see if you can handle a pure blood alpha."

Seokjin's eyes were fierce. "You've sealed your fate. Let's end this."

Min-Ho's eyes blazed with an unholy fire as he stepped forward, a terrifying grin on his face. "You all have no idea who you're dealing with. You hurt my mate, Kang Dae Jung, and for that, you will suffer."

Seokjin clenched his fists. "You won't get away with this, Min-Ho. We'll make sure of it."

The air was thick with tension as the fight began. Namjoon focused his psychic powers, sending a wave of force toward Min-Ho. The attack hit Min-Ho squarely, but he barely flinched, his grin widening. He lunged forward with terrifying speed, his whip cracking through the air and striking Namjoon across the chest, sending him sprawling to the ground.

"Soobin, now!" Seokjin commanded.

Soobin summoned a torrent of water, directing it at Min-Ho with the force of a hurricane. The water slammed into Min-Ho, but he stood his ground, his muscles straining as he pushed against the current. With a roar, he swung his whip again, the force of the blow parting the water and striking Soobin, knocking him off his feet.

Yeonjun, eyes blazing with fire, stepped forward next. He summoned a wall of flames, attempting to engulf Min-Ho. The heat was intense, and for a moment it seemed like Min-Ho might be stopped. But with a snarl, Min-Ho leapt through the flames, his skin barely singed, and delivered a bone-crushing kick to Yeonjun's midsection, sending him crashing into a wall.

"Is this the best you can do?" Min-Ho taunted, his voice dripping with contempt. "You think your powers can stop me? Pathetic."

Beomgyu emerged from the shadows, his eyes dark with fury. He extended his hands, and tendrils of darkness snaked out, wrapping around Min-Ho's limbs, attempting to immobilize him. For a moment, Min-Ho struggled against the shadows, but then his eyes glowed a fierce yellow. With a mighty roar, he tore free from the shadowy restraints, his strength seemingly limitless.

"You're all just insects to me," Min-Ho growled. "And I will crush you."

With terrifying speed, he moved through the group, his whip lashing out with deadly precision. Each strike was brutal, drawing cries of pain from his opponents. Jungkook tried to land a punch, but Min-Ho caught his fist mid-air and twisted his arm, sending Jungkook to his knees with a scream.

Jimin attempted to flank Min-Ho, moving with the grace of a dancer, but Min-Ho anticipated the move, spinning around and delivering a savage kick to Jimin's side, the impact sending him flying.

J-Hope and Taehyung attacked together, their combined strength formidable. But Min-Ho was relentless, his movements a blur as he dodged and countered every attack. He grabbed Taehyung by the throat, lifting him off the ground, and hurled him into J-Hope, knocking them both down.

Namjoon, bruised and bleeding, struggled to his feet. He focused his psychic energy again, this time trying to penetrate Min-Ho's mind. But Min-Ho's will was like iron, impenetrable and unyielding. With a savage grin, Min-Ho closed the distance between them, delivering a punch that sent Namjoon reeling.

"You hurt my mate," Min-Ho said, his voice low and deadly. "And for that, you will all die."

Seokjin, his face a mask of determination despite his injuries, stepped forward. "We won't give up. We'll fight until our last breath."

Min-Ho laughed, a sound devoid of any warmth. "Then I'll make sure you take your last breath soon."

Soobin, Yeonjun, and Beomgyu regrouped, their faces grim. They knew they were outmatched, but they couldn't back down. Soobin summoned another wave of water, this time freezing it into jagged ice shards. Yeonjun reignited his flames, combining his power with Soobin's to create steam and obscuring their movements.

But Min-Ho's senses were razor-sharp. He moved through the steam with ease, his eyes glowing in the mist. He dodged the ice shards and flames with effortless grace, his whip striking out and cutting through the fog like a knife. He targeted Beomgyu next, slashing him across the back and sending him to the ground, blood pooling beneath him.

Yeonjun, fueled by desperation, threw everything he had into one final blast of fire. The flames roared toward Min-Ho, but with a feral grin, he leapt over the fire and landed a devastating blow to Yeonjun's head, knocking him unconscious.

"Yeonjun!" Seokjin shouted, trying to rally the remaining fighters. But Min-Ho was unstoppable. He moved with the ferocity of a wild beast, tearing through their defenses with ease. He struck Soobin down, his whip leaving deep gashes that bled profusely.

Namjoon, barely able to stand, watched in horror as his friends fell one by one. He summoned the last of his strength, his psychic energy flaring brightly. He aimed a final, desperate attack at Min-Ho's mind, but Min-Ho merely smirked.

"You never stood a chance," Min-Ho said, his voice cold and final.

With a final, brutal swing of his whip, Min-Ho struck Namjoon down. The hybrid collapsed, his vision darkening as he slipped into unconsciousness.

Min-Ho stood amidst the carnage, his chest heaving with exertion but otherwise unscathed. "Pathetic," he muttered, looking down at the fallen hybrids and mafia lords. "You dared to challenge me and paid the price."

Lee Min-Ho sneered down at Namjoon's fallen form, his whip dangling menacingly from his hand. "Pathetic. None of you could last more than fifteen minutes against me," he muttered. As he turned to deliver a final blow, he felt a sharp, searing pain in his back.

Whirling around, he saw the six human boys, battered and bloodied, standing defiantly on their feet. Jungkook who had stabbed his back with a broken shard of glass,smirked, his eyes burning with determination. "It's been a while since I've felt this excited. Haven't met a strong opponent in a long time. I was getting rusty."

Seokjin wiped blood from his mouth, his eyes blazing with fury. "You think we're done? We're just getting started."

"Humans," Min-Ho growled, underestimating them for the last time. "You're all just—"

"Shut it," Jimin interrupted, cracking his knuckles. "We're not your average humans. We've got something you don't have."

Min-Ho's eyes narrowed. "And what's that?"

"An unbreakable bond," Hoseok replied, his eyes blazing with determination despite the pain. "We fight for each other, with a love and loyalty that you'll never comprehend."

With a battle cry, the six boys launched themselves at Min-Ho, their movements precise and coordinated. Jungkook leaped into the air, delivering a powerful roundhouse kick to Min-Ho's head. The pure blood alpha staggered, momentarily dazed.

Jimin followed up, his fists a blur as he delivered a series of rapid punches to Min-Ho's midsection. Each blow was accompanied by a burst of speed, making it difficult for Min-Ho to counter. Hoseok seized the opportunity to sweep Min-Ho's legs out from under him, causing him to crash to the ground.

As Min-Ho struggled to rise, Seokjin and Taehyung moved in. Seokjin, using his tactical mind, aimed for Min-Ho's pressure points, delivering precise strikes that caused intense pain. Taehyung, his agility unmatched, danced around Min-Ho, landing blows from all angles.

"You think we're just going to roll over and die?" Seokjin taunted, his voice steady. "We're stronger than you think."

Min-Ho roared in frustration, his whip lashing out. But the boys were too quick, ducking and weaving around his attacks. Jungkook grabbed the whip mid-air, yanking it from Min-Ho's grasp and throwing it aside.

"You're not invincible," Jungkook said, his voice filled with conviction. "We fight for each other. That's our strength."

Namjoon, regaining some of his energy, forced himself to his feet. "And we're not done yet," he added, his psychic powers flaring once more. He sent a mental shockwave towards Min-Ho, causing the alpha to clutch his head in pain.

The boys pressed their advantage. Hoseok and Taehyung executed a flawless double team, with Hoseok lifting Min-Ho off the ground and Taehyung delivering a powerful spin kick to his ribs. Min-Ho hit the ground hard, gasping for breath.

Min-Ho struggled to his feet, his fiery eyes now showing a hint of uncertainty. "You're just… humans," he snarled, but there was less conviction in his voice.

Jimin smirked. "Yeah, humans who are going to kick your ass."

Seokjin and Yoongi moved in, their combined efforts overwhelming Min-Ho. Seokjin's relentless strikes and Yoongi's precision made it impossible for Min-Ho to counter effectively. He was being pushed back, step by step.

"You're not the only one who can fight dirty," Yoongi whispered, delivering a savage uppercut that sent Min-Ho reeling.

The final blow came from Jungkook, who had climbed to a higher vantage point. He leapt off, delivering a powerful flying kick that connected squarely with Min-Ho's chest. The alpha was sent crashing into a wall, the impact cracking the concrete.

Panting and exhausted, the boys regrouped, standing over the defeated Min-Ho. Despite their injuries, they were united, their bond stronger than ever.

"You messed with the wrong group," Seokjin said, his voice low and menacing. "We're not just the strongest team. We're a family. And you don't mess with family."

Min-Ho, gasping for breath and beaten, looked up at them with a mixture of rage and disbelief. For the first time in a long time, he had met his match. And it wasn't the hybrids or supernatural powers that defeated him—it was the unyielding spirit and unity of these six humans.

The boys watched as Lee Min-Ho fell to the ground, but they knew that defeating a hybrid like him took more than brute force. Namjoon quickly pulled out a small, round iron ball and threw it to the ground. A portal, similar to the ones Madam Hana used, appeared.

"Everyone, go! Now!" Namjoon ordered, urgency in his voice.

Seokjin grabbed Beomgyu, while Jungkook lifted Yeonjun. The boys moved swiftly towards the portal, their movements fueled by adrenaline and fear. Just as they were nearing safety, a menacing growl erupted from Min-Ho. His fiery red eyes burned with unrestrained fury as he pulled out a needle-like object, glowing ominously.

"No!" Namjoon shouted, seeing Min-Ho's target.

As Min-Ho hurled the needle towards Yeonjun, Namjoon threw himself in front of his friends, taking the hit. A sharp, burning pain spread through his body, but he ignored it, pushing through the agony. He grabbed Soobin, who was struggling to keep up, and jumped into the portal, the last one to make it through.

On the other side, the boys stumbled into a safe room, breathing heavily and reeling from the intense battle. Namjoon collapsed to his knees, the pain from the needle's wound searing through him.

"Namjoon! Are you okay?" Seokjin rushed to his side, his face etched with worry.

"I'll be fine," Namjoon grunted, clutching his side. "Just... give me a moment."

Back in the mansion, Lee Min-Ho spat blood onto the ground, wiping away the trickle that ran down his face. He stared at the portal that had just closed, his expression a mix of rage and grudging respect.

"Hmph," he muttered, a dangerous glint in his eyes. "Work done."

As the boys caught their breath in their new safe haven, they knew this was far from over. Lee Min-Ho was a formidable opponent, and they would need to be stronger, smarter, and more united than ever to face him again. But for now, they had each other, and that was enough to keep them fighting.

As soon as the boys took a relaxed breath, the door burst open, and Taehyun and Kai rushed in. Their eyes widened in horror at the sight of their injured mates, lying barely conscious on the floor. The scene was chaotic, with blood smeared on the ground and signs of the brutal fight evident on the boys' bodies.

Taehyun's voice cracked with emotion as he shouted, "Madam Hana! We need doctors now!"

Kai echoed his cry, his voice filled with a mix of anger and desperation. "We need help! Hurry!"

Within moments, Madam Hana appeared, her face a mask of calm determination despite the urgency of the situation. Behind her, a team of doctors followed, carrying medical supplies and equipment. They immediately set to work, triaging the injuries and providing first aid to the most severely wounded.

The doctors focused on the human boys first. Seokjin, Jimin, Jungkook, Hoseok, and Yoongi were all badly injured. They had bruises, cuts, and several fractures from the relentless blows delivered by Min-Ho. Despite their formidable willpower, their bodies bore the toll of the fight.

As the doctors worked on the humans, Madam Hana turned her attention to the hybrids. She helped Namjoon to a chair, noting the pain etched on his face.

"Namjoon, let me see your wound," she insisted, her voice gentle but firm.

Namjoon winced as she examined the area where the needle had pierced his chest. To their surprise, his skin had started to heal rapidly, the hybrid nature of his body manifesting in the form of a stronger, more resilient skin covering the injury. Despite the rapid healing, Namjoon couldn't shake the persistent pain.

"I feel something wrong, Madam Hana, but I can't see any serious damage," Namjoon confessed, gritting his teeth against the discomfort.

"We'll keep an eye on it," she replied, her tone reassuring. "Now, let's see to the others."

Soobin, Yeonjun, and Beomgyu were in worse condition. Their hybrid forms had taken the brunt of Min-Ho's wrath, and their injuries were severe. Beomgyu's shadow control powers had protected him to some extent, but he had deep gashes across his body. Soobin's water powers were unable to shield him entirely, leaving him with multiple fractures and severe bruising. Yeonjun, with his fire powers, had burns and deep cuts from Min-Ho's savage attacks.

Madam Hana and Namjoon worked together, using their combined knowledge of hybrid physiology to treat the wounds. The boys' hybrid skins began to cover the injuries, but the process was slow and painful. Beomgyu groaned as the shadows that had protected him seemed to pull back, revealing the extent of his injuries. Soobin's body shuddered with pain as his bones began to mend, and Yeonjun's burns gradually started to heal, leaving raw, tender skin behind.

Throughout the process, Namjoon remained at their sides, ignoring his own pain to support his friends. He held Beomgyu's hand, murmuring words of encouragement, while Taehyun and Kai hovered nearby, their faces pale with worry.

"I'm sorry we weren't there to help," Taehyun whispered, guilt evident in his voice.

"You did what you had to," Namjoon replied, his voice strained but steady. "You protected Joon-wo. That's what's important."

Kai nodded, his jaw clenched in anger. "We'll get stronger. We won't let this happen again."

The room was filled with the sounds of soft groans and quiet reassurances as the hybrids and human boys alike received the care they needed. Madam Hana moved with practiced efficiency, her hands steady and sure as she treated each injury with the utmost care.

As the night wore on, the boys began to stabilize. The immediate danger had passed, but the emotional toll lingered. The memory of Lee Min-Ho's brutal assault was fresh in their minds, a stark reminder of the dangers they faced. Yet, despite the pain and the fear, a sense of unity and determination grew stronger within them. They had faced a formidable enemy and survived, and they would continue to fight for each other, no matter the cost.

Lee Min-Ho was driving back to Syntek pharmaceutical headquarters, his hands gripping the steering wheel tightly. The fight had been brutal, and his body still bore the marks of the battle. Bloodstains were splattered across his clothes, and he had a deep cut on his arm that was still seeping. Despite the pain, his thoughts were focused solely on one thing: his mate, Kang Dae Jung.

He couldn't let Dae Jung see him like this. With one hand, he ruffled his hair, trying to smooth it down, and with the other, he brushed off the dirt and dust from his clothes. He wanted to look presentable, not wanting Dae Jung to worry unnecessarily. Lee Min-Ho glanced at himself in the rearview mirror, taking a deep breath to steady his nerves. The reflection that stared back at him was fierce and intimidating, a stark reminder of the monster he had become in battle.

Satisfied with his appearance, he stepped out of the car and made his way inside the Syntek building. The sterile white hallways contrasted sharply with the bloodstains on his clothes, making him feel even more out of place. He walked with purpose, his footsteps echoing through the empty corridors until he reached the main office where Byung Ho and the others were waiting.

Lee Min-Ho pushed open the door and entered the room, his expression cold and unreadable. The others looked up as he walked in, their faces a mix of curiosity and fear. Byung Ho,  along with Hyun Soo, was sitting at the head of the table, his face twisted in a scowl.

"What happened?" Byung Ho demanded, his voice sharp and accusatory. "Did you complete the mission?"

Lee Min-Ho stood tall, his eyes meeting Byung Ho's with a steely gaze. "The mission is accomplished," he said, his voice calm and controlled. "The Bangtan boys and Cinq have been dealt with. They won't be a threat to us any longer."

Byung Ho's face turned an ugly shade of red as he processed the information. "You moron," he spat, slamming his fist on the table. "We had planned to kill all of them and bring Namjoon here. Then we were supposed to pierce him with the Soulbreaker Needle. But you let them escape and failed to bring Namjoon back!"

Within a blink of an eye, Lee Min-Ho's expression darkened, and he moved faster than anyone could react. He delivered a hard kick to Byung Ho's stomach, sending him flying across the room. Byung Ho crashed into a pillar, the impact knocking the wind out of him and leaving him gasping for breath.

"Don't you dare speak to me like that," Lee Min-Ho growled, his voice low and menacing. "You have no idea what I went through out there. Those boys are not ordinary. They fought like demons, and they almost had me. But I did what I had to do to protect our mission and our people."

Byung Ho struggled to his feet, clutching his stomach and glaring at Lee Min-Ho. "You still failed," he hissed. "Namjoon is the key to our plans. Without him, everything we've worked for is at risk."

Before Byung Ho could say anything more, the door to the office burst open, and Kang Dae Jung walked in. His eyes were blazing with fury, and he moved with a grace and speed that belied his anger. In a flash, he was standing in front of Min-Ho, his protective stance evident to everyone in the room.

"Dae Jung," Min-Ho said softly, his tone shifting to one of concern. "You shouldn't be here."

"I couldn't just stand by and do nothing," Dae Jung replied, his voice tight with emotion. "Not when you're being treated like this."

He turned his gaze to Byung Ho, who was still struggling to stand. "You need to watch your mouth, Byung Ho," Dae Jung said coldly. "Min-Ho did what he had to do. Those boys were tougher than we anticipated, and he made sure they wouldn't pose a threat to us again."

Byung Ho's face twisted in anger, but he didn't dare challenge Dae Jung. "This isn't over," he muttered, his voice filled with bitterness. "We need Namjoon, and we need him alive."

Before Byung Ho could say anything more, Dae Jung delivered another hard kick to Byung Ho, sending him crashing to the floor again. "I warned you," Dae Jung said, his voice like ice. "You will respect Min-Ho , no matter who you are. "

Lee Min-Ho placed a hand on Dae Jung's shoulder, his eyes softening. "It's alright, Dae Jung," he said. "I did pierce Namjoon with the Soulbreaker Needle. The mission is accomplished."

Dae Jung's expression softened slightly as he turned back to Min-Ho. "Are you okay?" he asked, his voice full of concern.

Min-Ho nodded, though he couldn't hide the pain in his eyes. "I'll be fine," he said. "I just need some rest."

Dae Jung placed a gentle hand on Min-Ho's arm, his touch soothing the tension in Min-Ho's body. "Let's get you cleaned up," he said softly. "You did well, Min-Ho.

As they walked out of the office together, Lee Min-Ho felt a sense of relief wash over him. Despite the chaos and the violence, he knew that as long as he had Dae Jung by his side, he could face anything. The mission might not have gone exactly as planned, but they were still standing, still fighting, and they would find a way to overcome whatever challenges lay ahead.

As soon as the couple left, Hyun Soo, who had been observing the entire scene with a smirk on his face, leaned back in his chair and turned his attention to Byung Ho, who was still groaning in pain on the floor.

"I think you should get treated instead of Min-Ho," Hyun Soo remarked casually, his tone dripping with sarcasm. "Should I help you?"

Byung Ho glared at Hyun Soo, his face flushed with embarrassment and anger. He tried to stand up, adjusting his spectacles to maintain some semblance of dignity, but a sharp pain shot through his body, causing him to grunt and falter. Hyun Soo's laughter echoed through the room, adding insult to injury.

"Looks like you need more help than Min-Ho," Hyun Soo said, still chuckling. "Maybe next time you'll think twice before running your mouth."

After leaving the tense atmosphere of the office, Lee Min-Ho and Kang Dae Jung made their way to a private room in the Syntek building. The room was quiet and dimly lit, a stark contrast to the chaos they had just left behind. Min-Ho winced as he settled into a chair, his injuries throbbing with pain. Dae Jung quickly moved to gather a first aid kit and a bottle of water.

"Sit still," Dae Jung said gently, his voice soft but commanding. "Let me take care of you."

Min-Ho tried to protest, but the look in Dae Jung's eyes silenced him. He knew better than to argue when Dae Jung was in this mood. He watched as Dae Jung carefully cleaned and bandaged his wounds, his touch gentle and precise. There was a tenderness in the way Dae Jung moved, a stark contrast to the fierce warrior he had been moments ago.

"You're always taking care of me," Min-Ho murmured, his voice barely above a whisper. "I should be the one protecting you."

Dae Jung looked up, his eyes meeting Min-Ho's with a mix of affection and exasperation. "You do protect me," he replied. "But that doesn't mean I can't take care of you too. We're a team, remember?"

Min-Ho nodded, a small smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. "I remember," he said. "But I hate seeing you worry about me."

"I can't help it," Dae Jung admitted, his hands pausing in their work. "When I see you hurt, it feels like a part of me is hurting too."

Min-Ho reached out and took Dae Jung's hand in his, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "I'll be fine," he said. "You've always been able to read me like an open book. You know I can handle it."

Dae Jung smiled, a soft laugh escaping his lips. "Yes, I can read you like an open book," he said. "And I know you're trying to comfort me, even when you're the one in pain."

Min-Ho chuckled, the sound a bit strained due to his injuries. "I can't help it," he said. "I don't want you to worry."

Dae Jung finished bandaging the last of Min-Ho's wounds and handed him the bottle of water. "Drink this," he said, watching as Min-Ho took a few sips. "You need to stay hydrated."

Min-Ho did as he was told, feeling the cool water soothe his parched throat. "Thank you," he said, his voice sincere. "For everything."

Dae Jung leaned in and pressed a gentle kiss to Min-Ho's forehead. "You're welcome," he replied. "Just promise me you'll be more careful next time. I don't want to see you like this again."

Min-Ho nodded, his eyes locking onto Dae Jung's with a promise. "I will," he said. "For you, I'll be more careful."

They sat in silence for a moment, the weight of the day's events slowly lifting as they found comfort in each other's presence. Despite the pain and the chaos, there was a sense of peace between them, a quiet understanding that they would always be there for each other, no matter what.

"Get some rest," Dae Jung said softly, his hand still holding Min-Ho's. "We'll face whatever comes next together."

Min-Ho nodded, leaning back in his chair and closing his eyes. As he drifted off to sleep, he felt Dae Jung's fingers gently brush through his hair, a soothing gesture that lulled him into a deep, restful slumber. In that moment, he knew that no matter who is with him, Dae Jung will be. They would always have each other, and that was all that mattered.

Byung Ho, still clutching his bruised stomach, couldn't contain his curiosity any longer. "Hyun Soo," he began, wincing slightly as he shifted in his chair, "did you change the plan of killing the boys and sparing them?"

Hyun Soo, sitting casually behind his large mahogany desk, shook his head. "Not me," he replied, a smirk playing on his lips. "Someone else did."

Byung Ho's eyes widened in shock. "Someone else? There's someone above you who gives commands? How come?"

Hyun Soo's smirk grew into a full grin. "If I were the main one, do you think those two—Min-Ho and Dae Jung—would not  listen to me ? Those two would at least show a little more respect if I had full command."

Byung Ho laughed, albeit painfully. "So, there's someone who can make those two wag their tails like dogs?"

Hyun Soo's expression turned serious. "That's impossible. Those two are untamed. They don't listen to anyone when the other is in trouble or if they disagree with anything."

Byung Ho gulped, remembering the force of Dae Jung's kick. "For those two psychos, I think I need to bring in my own psycho."

Hyun Soo raised an eyebrow. "That secret spy ?"

Byung Ho nodded. "Yes, I think he might be able to tame them a bit."

Hyun Soo chuckled softly. "I doubt it."

Byung Ho grinned through his pain. "We'll see."


It had been an hour since the injured boys had been resting. Kai and Taehyun were helping Madam Hana with whatever she needed, while Namjoon also rested, feeling his energy completely drained. Madam Hana's eyes were keenly focused on Namjoon, her expression unreadable. The others thought it was because she cared deeply for him, which was true, but there was more to her concern.

All seemed peaceful. Kai, trying to break the silence, remarked, "It was fortunate that So-Hoon and Jongin had gone back to their homes just one hour before Min-Ho came. Otherwise, everything would have been revealed to them."

Taehyun, deep in thought, replied, "How come they left exactly before Min-Ho arrived? Was it a coincidence?"

Madam Hana, hearing their conversation, turned her gaze to them. "In this world, very little happens by coincidence," she said softly, her eyes full of wisdom and concern. "We must stay vigilant. The enemy has many ways to strike."

Kai nodded, feeling a chill run down his spine. "You're right, Madam Hana. We'll be on guard."

Taehyun, still uneasy, added, "We need to figure out if there's a traitor among us. Someone who knew our plans and warned Min-Ho."

Namjoon, overhearing the conversation, struggled to sit up. "We'll find the traitor," he said determinedly, though his voice was weak. "And we'll make sure this never happens again."

Madam Hana approached him, gently placing a hand on his shoulder. "Rest now, Namjoon. You need to recover your strength. We'll take care of the rest."

Namjoon nodded, his eyes heavy with exhaustion. "Thank you, Madam Hana. We'll get through this, together."

As the boys continued to rest and recover, the shadows of doubt and suspicion loomed over them. They knew they had to stay strong and united if they were to face the challenges ahead and uncover the truth behind the betrayal.

Just as Kai uttered the words about staying vigilant, the air seemed to shift with a foreboding chill. The tranquility of the room was shattered by the sudden sound of chaos. Twenty armed men broke in, ruthlessly cutting down every guard in their path. The commotion jolted the boys awake, their adrenaline spiking as they realized they were under attack again.

The boys, though injured and weary, quickly reunited, drawing strength from one another. "We can get through this," Seokjin said,his voice firm despite his fatigue. "We've faced worse."

In the mafia world, such ambushes were a harsh reality. To survive, one had to be prepared for anything. The boys, although tired and hurt, summoned their remaining strength and launched into battle.

Taehyun and Kai, with their extraordinary hybrid powers, took the lead. Kai's speed and agility, combined with Taehyun's powerful attacks, quickly decimated the majority of the intruders. Meanwhile, the others, despite their injuries, fought valiantly alongside them.

The tide of battle seemed to be turning in their favor. Bloodied but undeterred, they were on the verge of victory. Then, without warning, the unthinkable happened.

Kai and Taehyun, focused on the fight, never saw the attack coming. A sudden, powerful blow struck them both, knocking them unconscious. The boys turned in shock to see the source of the attack: Madam Hana.

"What...?" Namjoon's voice trailed off, eyes wide with disbelief.

Madam Hana stood there, her face a mask of cold determination. "I'm sorry," she said, her voice devoid of emotion. "But I cannot allow you to continue this fight."

The boys, stunned and betrayed, struggled to comprehend what had just happened.

"Why?" Namjoon managed to ask, his voice cracking.

"This was necessary," Madam Hana replied, stepping closer. "There are things you do not understand, things that must be done for the greater good."

Namjoon, despite the pain and confusion, forced himself to stand. "You were like family to us," he said, his voice filled with hurt.

Madam Hana's expression softened for a moment, but she quickly hardened it again. "I know, and I regret this deeply. But my allegiance lies elsewhere."

With Kai and Taehyun incapacitated and the rest of the boys still recovering from their previous injuries, the situation looked dire. The men, emboldened by Madam Hana's betrayal, moved in for the final blow.

Yeonjun, despite his injuries, felt a surge of power coursing through him. His eyes glowed a fierce red as he glared at Madam Hana, a deep sense of betrayal mingling with his fury. "How could you do this?" he demanded, his voice shaking with emotion. "We trusted you!"

Madam Hana raised her hands in a gesture of peace. "I'm doing this for your benefit," she insisted, her tone calm but urgent. "Kai and Taehyun aren't hurt, they're just asleep. I had to put them out of harm's way." Soobin quickly knelt beside the two boys, confirming that they were indeed just sleeping.

"Why?" Namjoon asked, his voice filled with pain and confusion.

"Because Namjoon," Madam Hana continued, her eyes locking onto his, "you've been hit by the Soul Piercer. It's a deadly weapon designed to separate the soul from the body. If you're not taken to Hyun Soo now, you will die within half an hour. Only Hyun Soo has the solution, and only he can help you."

The room fell silent as the gravity of her words sank in. The boys looked at Namjoon, who was struggling to stay on his feet, his hand clutching his chest where the needle had struck him. His face was pale, his breathing labored.

"The Soul Piercer was designed by Hyun Soo," she said. "It's a last resort weapon, meant to be used only in extreme circumstances. The needle injects a toxin that disrupts the soul's connection to the body. If untreated, it causes a slow, painful death."

"So why does Hyun Soo have the cure?" Jimin asked, skeptical.

"Because he's the one who created it," Madam Hana replied. "He's the only one who knows how to neutralize the toxin. We need to get Namjoon to him before it's too late."

Seokjin was finding the situation fishy, but he couldn't pinpoint why. Why would Madam Hana want to harm Namjoon? She had always helped them. Yet, his gut feeling told him something was wrong—totally wrong.

"Why should we trust Hyun Soo?" Yoongi asked, his eyes narrowed. "How can we guarantee that he will help us?"

Madam Hana took a deep breath. "Hyun Soo is fond of strong hybrids. He won't let Namjoon get hurt."

Jimin crossed his arms, his face skeptical. "This is ridiculous. His own men came and hurt Namjoon, and now he's going to treat him? I don't believe it."

Madam Hana shook her head. "You have no choice. I can't help Namjoon. If you don't want to waste time and lose him for good, we need to go to Syntek."

Seokjin stepped forward, his expression resolute. "Fine, we'll go to Hyun Soo. But not all of us. Only Namjoon and I will go."

Hearing this, Madam Hana said sternly, "You are not in charge of making decisions here. You need to listen to what Hyun Soo's men say. And they say all of you will go to Syntek."

Seokjin was about to argue, but before he could speak, Namjoon burst out in anger. "I was pierced by the Soul Breaker. Hyun Soo wants me. So I'll go alone. Why drag everyone else along? I don't agree."

Madam Hana's expression remained firm. "If you do not agree, then defend yourselves and fight them off. Otherwise, you have no choice."

Seokjin sighed heavily, realizing the harsh reality. They were in no condition to fight. They couldn't defend themselves, let alone bargain. Reluctantly, they agreed to go along with Hyun Soo's men for Namjoon's sake.

Two men approached to pick up Kai and Taehyun, but Namjoon, using his psychic powers, raised both of them into the air. His eyes glinted sharply as he looked at the men. "Don't touch them," he commanded, carrying both Kai and Taehyun with his psychic abilities.

Madam Hana, watching this, thought to herself, In such a short time, his psychic abilities have reached a high level if he can use them on humans to lift them. What more potential is there to discover? What a pity. It won't last long.

As they reached Syntek, Namjoon was feeling lethargic and extremely weak. The pain in his chest had increased, making it difficult for him to focus or understand what was happening. The boys were immediately captured, with guns pointed at their heads. Hyun Soo stepped forward and bowed slightly in front of Madam Hana.

"You!! You are the real boss!! Hana, you are a very sly fox. You even fooled me," Byung Ho exclaimed, his voice filled with astonishment.

Madam Hana ignored Byung Ho's outburst and asked rudely, "Is everything ready?"

Namjoon was now too weak and in too much pain to comprehend what was happening. Byung Ho smirked at Namjoon's condition and nodded. "Everything is ready."

The other boys were tied up and forced to kneel on the floor. Meanwhile, Namjoon was pushed down onto a strange, blood-drawn design. It was clear that something terrible was about to happen.

Byung Ho threw a powdery substance, and the bloody design glowed. Lines surrounded Namjoon, who was now coming in and out of consciousness. A bright red light filled the room, and Namjoon let out a blood-curdling scream, as if someone was gouging his heart out of his body.

All the boys panicked and struggled to free themselves, but their restraints were too tight. Tears streamed down their faces as they watched their mate suffer. They pleaded with Madam Hana, demanding to know what was happening, but she gave no answer. Her eyes had a psychotic gleam, something they had never seen before—a look that was dangerously unhinged.

Seokjin felt an overwhelming sense of helplessness. He was there with Namjoon, but he couldn't do anything to relieve his pain or rescue him. He watched in agony as Namjoon screamed in pain.

After what felt like an eternity, the screaming stopped, and the glowing ceased. Namjoon lay unconscious on the floor, blood dripping from his mouth. Lee Min Ho approached and picked up Namjoon in his arms.

The boys were frantic, shouting and struggling against their restraints. "What have you done to Namjoon?!" Taehyung yelled, his voice hoarse with desperation.

Madam Hana remained silent, her eyes fixed on Namjoon's limp form. Byung Ho smirked at the boys' distress. "It's pointless to resist," he taunted. "Namjoon belongs to us now."

Seokjin's heart pounded in his chest as he watched Lee Min Ho carry Namjoon away. He turned to Madam Hana, his voice trembling with anger and fear. "What is going to happen to him?"

Madam Hana finally spoke, her tone cold and detached. "Namjoon is special. He possesses extraordinary abilities that we need. This ritual was necessary to unlock his full potential."

"You're lying!" Yoongi shouted, his eyes blazing with fury. "You just want to use him for your own gain!"

Madam Hana's expression didn't waver. "Believe what you want. The truth remains the same."

As Lee Min Ho carried Namjoon out of the room, the boys continued to struggle, their minds racing with thoughts of escape and rescue. They couldn't let Namjoon be taken away like this.

"Let us go!" Jungkook demanded, his voice cracking with emotion. "We won't let you take him!"

Madam Hana glanced at the guards, giving them a silent signal. The guards tightened their grip on the boys, making it clear that resistance was futile.

Seokjin's eyes filled with tears as he watched Namjoon disappear from sight. He felt an overwhelming sense of guilt and helplessness. He had promised to protect Namjoon, but now he was powerless to do anything.

Hyun Soo stepped forward, his gaze cold and calculating. "You should all be grateful. Namjoon will become stronger than ever. He will be a force to be reckoned with."

Jimin shook his head, his voice barely a whisper. "This isn't strength. This is cruelty."

Hyun Soo's lips curled into a cruel smile. "Sometimes, cruelty is necessary to achieve greatness."

The boys' hearts sank as they realized the extent of the danger they were in. They had to find a way to escape and rescue Namjoon, but for now, they were at the mercy of their captors.

As the guards led them away, Seokjin's mind raced with thoughts of how to save Namjoon. He couldn't give up. He had to find a way to reunite with his friend and bring him back to safety.

Back in the room where the ritual had taken place, Madam Hana stood silently, watching the blood-drawn design fade away. She felt a sense of triumph, knowing that Namjoon was now in their control. But deep down, a part of her couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt. She had betrayed the boys who had trusted her.

Hyun Soo approached her, his expression smug. "You've done well, Hana. 'HE' will be a valuable asset."

Madam Hana nodded, though her mind was filled with conflicting emotions. "Yes, he will. But we must ensure that the boys do not interfere."

Hyun Soo's eyes gleamed with anticipation. "Don't worry. We'll keep them under control. And if they try to resist, we'll make sure they regret it."

As they walked away, Madam Hana couldn't shake the feeling that she had made a grave mistake. She had chosen power over loyalty, and now the consequences were beginning to unfold.Joon-Woo was with Madam Hana. As his brothers often left him alone with strangers, he didn't find it strange when Madam Hana told him his brothers had gone for work and left him at her house.

In the dimly lit corridors of Syntek, the boys were led to a holding cell, their minds filled with thoughts of Namjoon and their desperate need to escape. They knew that they couldn't give up. They had to find a way to save their soulmate and bring him back home.

Hours passed, and the boys remained in the cell, their minds racing with plans and strategies. Seokjin kept his focus on the goal, determined to rescue Namjoon no matter what.

Finally, the door to the cell creaked open, and a figure stepped inside. It was Lee Min Ho, carrying a tray of food and water.

"Eat," he said, his voice devoid of emotion.

Seokjin looked up, his eyes filled with defiance. "Where is Namjoon?"

Lee Min Ho didn't answer, his expression unreadable. He placed the tray on the floor and turned to leave.

"Wait!" Seokjin called out, desperation in his voice. "Please, tell us what happened to him."

Lee Min Ho paused for a moment, his gaze softening slightly. "He's alive. But he's in a critical state. Hyun Soo is working to stabilize him."

The boys exchanged worried glances, their hearts heavy with concern. They knew that time was running out, and they had to act fast.

As Lee Min Ho left the cell, Seokjin turned to the others, his voice filled with tension and worry "We have to find a way to escape. We...we can't let Namjoon stay here."

Soobin spoke up, breaking the silence. "Hana saying she did all that to unleash his potential isn't the truth. If that were the case, she wouldn't have revealed herself as the boss. She definitely has something else up her sleeve."

Yoongi nodded in agreement. "Soobin's right. She's fooling us. If Joon were supposed to gain powers, it wouldn't have hurt him so much."

"We'd know what happened to Joonie if we understood what a soul piercer does and what that ritual was about," Taehyung added.

Soobin sighed. "Taehyun has knowledge about all this stuff. But Madam Hana made Taehyun sleep during her first attack. We don't know when they'll wake up. If they were awake, we could've been healed by now."

Hoseok asked, "How does our healing depend on them?"

Soobin explained, "We have a combined special power. If the five of us connect our souls and form a circle, anyone within that circle will be healed of any type of wound. We also heal ourselves. But it requires all five of us, and the circle shouldn't break for the first five minutes."

Taehyung's eyes widened in amazement. "Wow, you guys are incredible."

Seokjin spoke up with determination. "We can't sit idle. We need to train ourselves so we can fight. Until now, our training sessions included human vs. human and hybrid vs. hybrid. It's time to make a change: human vs. hybrid. This training will help us. Don't stop training. We only have seven months."

"Why seven months?" Beomgyu asked.

Seokjin replied, "If we don't escape within seven months, there will be an uproar in the mafia world for the position of mafia king. It's an unspoken rule that if the mafia king and his team vanish without a trace, the mafias remain silent for seven months. After that, the fight for the new mafia king starts."

Beomgyu said, "We also need to meet Namjoon. We need to see how he's doing."

Yoongi added, "And for that, we need to wait for a chance. A chance to force Byung Ho to bring Namjoon to us himself."

The tension in the room was palpable. Each of them was lost in their thoughts, the weight of the situation pressing down on them. They knew that the next few months would be crucial. Their survival depended on their ability to adapt, to train, and to seize the right moment.

Seokjin stood up, a steely resolve in his eyes. "Alright, let's start training. We can't afford to waste any more time."

The boys nodded, determination etched on their faces. They had been betrayed, but they would not be defeated. They would train, they would plan, and they would fight back. For Namjoon, for Joon-Woo, and for their own survival.They knew that the road to rescuing Namjoon would be difficult, but they were willing to face any danger to bring their friend back home.

As the hours passed, their resolve only grew stronger. They would not rest until Namjoon was safe, and they were reunited once more. The bond they shared was unbreakable, and no amount of cruelty or power could tear them apart.

In the dimly lit corridors of Syntek, a new chapter was unfolding. A chapter filled with bravery, determination, and the unyielding spirit of friendship. And as the boys prepared to face their greatest challenge yet, they knew that together, they could overcome anything.