Cigar again gets his gun in his hand yelling:
"You motherf....."
"Oh! Come-on! Sleep!"
"Yes sir!"
"You can wait!"
"Sure sir!"
James turns back moving with arms folded and the bowing down to Allah thanking him as Molana getting closer to Laura.
"How do you like my dramatic entrance? My love......"
"You are an absolute motherf*cker, a cult, a f*cking stupid....narcissist, sociopathic bastard! And the biggest assh*le in this stupid universe!"
"Well! All I can say is......Sorry?"
"Why? Where? And for how much time were you away?"
"Well! Weren't you supposed to ask that before the slap?"
"Now go and meet him, he haven't had meat in years, waiting for you."
"You! And your green cap, will get my fear wiped out one day! Remember used to say this, always...."
"Sure, I do sir!"
"I have waited so long for you.....My hair are even grey now....."
"Told you not to use the fancy gels"
"So! Why kept this one alive, he was the master mind, after all."
"Well, Someone must live to listen to my story!"
"Nah! You like something about him, right? Remember what you used to say, to leave your enemy alive is to live as a man with death dancing on your turban.....Well, however, what now?"
"I have ideas! And I want to love again.....too"
"Thanks to lord! And Thanks to Samos! Purple Heads Reunites...."
Takes the map out in his hand and let's it out of his hand and it turns into blue spark making the shape of the name for Allah in Arabic.