Molana continues:
"After the war, we were fed of it all, we said no more of killings and no more of dying. We moved to Russia....."
"And then in Russia, there was this Volgograd city, and went to the Ivanovo Oblast. There we started to sell the weapons, it was our business and only business. Massive amount of the weapons we stole from our Army."
{ Flashback }
In 1951 Molana walking through hallway, late night with a long coat stops at a point:
"Asalam O Alaikum! Molana....."
"Walaikum Asalam!"
"Walaikum Asalam! Mr Krabs, how are you doing?"
"So, you Purple Heads.....still wear these purple scarfs and turbans."
"Yeah! As a matter of fact, I have heard your women now fancy our style too."
" are funny...."
"They are not empty Mr Krabs and nor are they of any less worth, so be gentle with these....."
"Oh! Sweet heart......AVS-36.....where did you get this from? I thought you had that Pakistani stuff only...."
"We have connections, Purple Heads is now much more strong than it ever was in last two years."
"Its always fun to do business with you Molana...."
" does not last for a while these days...."
"Two men, back with guns....."
"So, how is your wife Krabs, is she fine?"
"Yes, she is Molana! I am thinking of gifting her a long chain, would that be fine...."
"No! I don't think so, she would scream so loud and neighbours would wake up, cops, you know these days...."
"Right, so what do you suggest...."
"Well, what about something deep down, like a rod know what I mean...."
Krabs thinking for a while bows down putting the rifle back gently and taking out a smoke bomb from the bag it was deep inside
"I guess I know....then....I!"
Krabs throws the other way the bomb as now smoke spreads everywhere and Molana takes out his revolver two.
Both the men come out while now Molana and Mr Krabs hiding behind the walls and as the men started to suffocate Krabs and Molana showing themselves shot both the men, who died on point.
"I think this is for you, I am late now anyways, take care."
Molana putting his revolver back opens the envelope and then putting the letter in his pocket throws the envelope and starts shooting at it until the bullets end.