Chapter three [ The prisoner ]

Chapter Three [The Prisoner]

Rhoda is ready to face the new day that early morning inside the home-based where Rudolf and his woman live together. Because she is tasked with taking care of the house and isn't allowed by Josie and the other gang members to behave freely, Rhoda is inadvertently imprisoned. Her pregnancy is also in full flow.

Rudolf wants to stay since he has backbone fractures, and their face-to-face connection makes Rhoda more uncomfortable. When she sees Rudolf living with Josie, she returns to her earlier misery.

While the rest of the crew is sleeping inside their cabin with their fictitious bride, Rhoda goes into labor at about midnight and heads to the hospital to give birth alone. Rudolf appears to be busy with the condition of his woman who has been made up as his wife by the gang. He doesn’t care about Rhoda who disguises him as Rose.

“Hey Sulema, could you please help me pay my hospital bill so that my baby and I can go home as soon as possible?”

Rhoda screamed.

Sulema went back to her sales job once Rhoda and her infant had left, while Rudolf remained in his cabin with his set-up wife. As she attended to her infant's cot and nursed him till the two of them fell asleep the next morning, Rhoda remained utterly silent.

"Rose, get up if you can and take your meal,"

Sulema urges quietly,

“To prepare your body for your child and your assigned responsibilities.”

As she breastfeeds her infant son, Rhoda mutters, "Sulema gave her life for me and my kid, and I owe it to her so I must obey.”

A large, limping shadow suddenly approaches and says,

"So, you've had a boy!" Rudolf exclaimed as he and Josie left his chamber.

“ I discovered you cradling. I'll watch your child till you're ready to finish your responsibilities,” he added.

Rudolf makes a suggestion, to which Rhoda nods in response while turning away from him.

Josie informs Rudolf, "Honey, that woman is a bitch," adding,

“Don't even think about her,” she said.

"Josie, it's none of your concern. Go have a fuck!"

Josie sneers at Rudolf's position and remarks that Rhoda is a huge burden for everyone as Rudolf cries violently.

Rudolf's set-up wife, Josie, is killed during a police-gangsters encounter while watching the roadside vendors, and he arrives quickly and discretely to bury her

Rudolf wailed to the other members of the group,

"I need someone to replace Josie for my regular massage therapy now that she's gone.”

“I suggest Rose take Josie's place for massage therapy while her child snoozes.”

Sulema soon made the suggestion, and everyone agreed, to stop talking so that everyone could retire to their respective cabins and relax.

Rudolf assigned Rhoda to perform the massage therapy that his set-up wife usually gives him because Rhoda was left in the safe house with him and needed to take on more responsibilities.

Rhoda feeds her son while softly speaking with him in a dim area of the savings house base.

“You should act appropriately now, shouldn't you, since I have to perform the massage therapy in front of your father.”

The infant, Robert, is beginning to communicate with his body as Rhoda speaks. Rudolf inquires Rhoda.

"What are you doing?" as the mother and son are enjoying each other's company.

Rudolf asked as Rhoda put her baby in the cot and went to get the massage therapy ointment, "Can you do massage treatment right now?”

Rudolf continued as he took off his robe and got ready for massage therapy:

“So that he won't cry when you leave him here, you might move his cot next to the stretcher,” Rudolf instructed Rhoda that night.

Rudolf took care of Rhoda's infant Robert while she worked on the tasks assigned to her, but Rhoda became distracted when people noted how similar Rudolf and Baby Robert looked physically.

"Of course, we look the same because he used to sleep with me when his mother was at work," Rudolf said as he swung the child in his arms.

Rhoda muttered as she toiled in the kitchen, "They might look into it and Sulema will be in danger because of our disguise. Rhoda muttered as she toiled in the kitchen, "They might look into it and Sulema will be in danger because of our disguise.” Rhoda whispered adding,

“ I have to start moving out of this safe place to obtain a new job to meet my kid's needs,” Rhoda tells Sulema as she rushes out the gate.

"Our boss will be planning already to move you and your baby out of here. You stand by." Sulema stated.

After a week, Rhoda pondered and was frustrated by Ru-dolf's ignorance of her true identity and his prior incompetence. She said to herself,

"I should find out about his legal position in the country before I decide to marry him. How come? If that is the case, he has no legal power to marry me?" Rhoda thought adding, "I need enough time to heal the past injuries caused by Rudolf's deception. He merely uses me to protect himself from the authorities.” It slowly entered her mind.

She immediately added,

"If he doesn't join this gang, the woman who got him during the wedding feast threatens to hurt me and my tribe," she said.

“And realizes that everything was a set-up by Josie, even the message on the piece of paper with her name warning me?” Rhoda pouted,

" Probably Rudolf is innocent and compelled to follow to save us. But he's a terrible liar and deceiver. If he doesn't lie, I won't end up here.”Rhoda is thinking deeply when suddenly, Rhoda is thinking deeply when suddenly,

“Would you mind Rose if I hold your infant and I took him outside to enjoy the sunshine and some fresh air?”

Rudolf requested Rhoda.

That early in the morning, Rhoda responded,

"We're still on our way to fix our beddings, and I'll take him for a bath first.”

Rhoda is addressing herself when she says,

"You thought forgetting and forgiving your earlier failings was easy, Rudolf?”

“You should learn a big lesson for being a womanizer,”

Rhoda said.

"I believe God will make a way if we sincerely intended for each other and our destiny meant for us”.

“Are you trying to get away from me or something?”

The following morning, when he wants to take the infant outside for some fresh air, Rudolf approaches her once more.

” You’re being so cruel to me!” He added.

"Sir, I’m just busy and I need to do my job correctly," Rhoda remarked as she looked over her tasks adding,

"There's no need for me to get near to you since I'm a married lady, and my husband might get jealous of you because he never intends any guy to touch us,"

Rhoda suggested.

"As far as I know, my husband has no reason to betray us because I've been faithful to him," she added.

Rudolf screams angrily that evening,

"I'm in desperate need of a massage right now. It’d be much better if the baby was sleeping,"

Rudolf advises Rhoda.

"I have to cook for supper Sir, I promise I'll do it tonight!" Rhoda responds. Rudolf says,

"I'll give you some for your daily stipend and your baby's diapers."

Though Rhoda's past still hurt her and exposed deeper wounds brought on by Rudolf's infidelity, her condition seemed to be improving. She wants to get rid of him as soon as possible and disappear from his view.

The gang leader arrived home early one day, looking for Rose, who was breastfeeding her baby.

"Can you cook omelets for me, Rose? I'm so hungry," the gang leader instructed Rhoda as she carefully placed her baby in the cot and proceeded rapidly to do the cooking.

"You're not supposed to be here, Bong!"

Rudolf says.

Bong answered harshly,

” Why should not? Isn't this also my home? "

Rudolf wanted everyone to treat Rhoda like a companion and business partner.

"Soon she has to work and make money for her son,"

Bong insists.

"I simply wanted to visit her and see whether she's ready to go."

Bong adds.

"No, not anymore," Rudolf insists.

"She'll stay here with me and her son to do the therapy, and I'm willing to give her a daily allowance."

Rhoda refuses to respond to either of them because she intends to flee and return to her parents in secret, leaving these two men with nothing but a pile of garbage.

"I simply wanted to know whether you're ready to be transferred to the sales booth, Rose. You may stay there with your baby under our group supervision,"

Bong remarked to Rhoda, as Rudolf looked at him with a longing stare.

"I'm not a fucking like you, Rudolf. I know you have a wife, but you've forgotten about her since Josie fetched you. You're fond of a hoar,"

Bong accuses Rudolf angrily.

Rudolf longs to see Rhoda again. He has no idea that Rhoda is only a short distance Rudolf is in distressed and disgusted by what Bong has said, and he admits his faults away, and Bong has already devised a plan to abduct Rhoda and her baby.

Rhoda can't imagine the pain Rudolf will feel once he realizes what he has done to her. Rose can be my wife as I told you from the very start. I love her no matter who she is and how she looks. It’s love.” Bong confesses.

Rudolf exclaimed,

"Sulema already has yours, and you still want to increase your wife! You're a dreadful individual! "

Rudolf immediately accused Bong, and Bong began to grit his teeth yelling,

"That's none of your business Rudolf, go fuck yourself!"

Bong continued.

Perhaps Bong notices that Rudolf has something beyond expectations about Rhoda and her son, and he meant to manipulate his curiosity about who Sulema mentioned Rose to him.

Bong pays Rhoda frequent visits and delivers food and milk for her son. Rhoda believes Bong is compensating her for being a house assistant for almost two years since she was one month pregnant. She also considers the group to be of great assistance, despite Josie's mistreatment.

"Come on Rose, take these fruits to help you gain strength so that you can start your new job,"

Bong said as Rudolf was being attacked by his jealousy. He took Rhoda's son and brought him inside the room, but the baby cried when he realized he was being separated from her mother.

Rudolf reappeared, bearing the baby, and handed him over to Rhoda, who was dumbfounded. Rudolf seemed to be enjoying the presence of Rhoda and Robert at the house, as well as the presence of other gang members.

Bong continued to mislead Rhoda about his motivations, oblivious to the underlying concerns surrounding Sulema and Rhoda's greatest secret. Bong is a good observer who, as a Filipino, can quickly assess a situation. Rudolf, on the other hand, simply sees the surface and refuses to delve deeper into the tale behind Sulema and Rhoda.

Rhoda has a plan, which she has deviated from Bong and Sulema’s' plan to give her a job. She intends to sneak out and return to her parents in the mountain province or to a location where Rudolf will not be able to find them. She is trying to save money to escape, and she may accept the job first to earn money until she has enough to travel far away from Rudolf and Bong.

As time passes, Rhoda must first pretend that she is still unemployed because her baby is too young to be exposed to the blistering sun on the sidewalks. She continues to massage Rudolf while he gives her a small sum of money for Robert's diaper.

Rudolf has no intention of digging into her darkest secret as he continues to rely on the gang's stakes shares, especially because he has no idea that his wife Rhoda is none other than Rose, whom his mistress abused a long time ago.