Chapter Twenty-eight [Go as the wind blows]
"It's a miracle to get through a difficult process alone and without anyone's help," Rudolf admits to Rhoda, adding, "I trusted you because I thought you already knew me well and you never allowed me to be tempted beyond my strength."
"I was trying to relate with your fellow but sometimes I encounter difficulties understanding the native tongue speakers and I am just quickly speechless," Rudolf began to cry, releasing all of his pains and disappointments, while Rhoda ignored him to be with her two kids.
He never notices that Rhoda listens quietly as she recalls previous mission activities she had with Chinese native speakers. She immediately recognized what her husband confessed and cried out in pain,
"I love you, honey. Thank you for trusting me with your deepest longings and frustrations, and please pardon me for my doubts and failures to fulfill my obligation," he said.