Chapter Fifty-three [Angels’ images]
Around 10:00 PM, Rhoda and Rudolf are still relaxed inside the large bus that is packed with passengers and traveling to the country's north. It takes over 2 hours for the technician to fix the troubleshooting, and most of the passengers have already passed out.
“That's great! You should respond appropriately to prevent your annoyance from distracting our bus.”
After the problem-solving is complete, the driver and his assistant observe, chuckling, how the obnoxious passengers quit complaining and became weary, which caused them to rest.
"Okay, dear travelers, it is time to continue our trip. Fasten your seatbelt and relax appropriately as the boarding vehicle goes. God bless our trip," the driver said.
Rhoda opens her drowsy eyelids and looks at Rudolf, who is enjoying the dim surroundings, which are lit by the full moon and a beam of innumerable galaxy stars.