Chapter Fifty-nine [ Material nourishment for the body and spiritual nourishments for the souls]

Chapter Fifty-nine [Material nourishment for the body and spiritual nourishment for the soul]

Eventually, after an hour, the gang reaches the nearest bus stop, and it is already 8 p.m. Unfortunately, the most prestigious, delicious restaurants are still at the next bus station.

“What should we do now?"

In response to the drivers' inquiries, a restaurant with fantastic cuisine nearby is closed.

“We can't satisfy our hunger because nothing is open except for Balut vendors and quick-quick peddlers with black, hard coffee."

As he announced the issues to all of them, they responded,

"Don't be concerned, dear brothers and sisters; take what is left and distribute it to everyone. Balut and quick-quick are both delicious and healthy. We simply needed to masticate the contents. One driver suggested.