Chapter Sixty-six [ Life is not static]

Chapter Sixty-six: [ Life is not static]

Rhoda is well aware of what the two girls, Cora and Sylvia, are saying when they discuss what it means to comprehend God's Word.

"My dear two lovely girls, you must understand that it is not by your own will and effort that you can understand the word of God, but through the grace of faith given from above when Jesus Christ came into your knowledge. You accept Him as your own personal Lord and Savior. It will be a process, so do not assume that it will be like instant magic. God is not a magician. He is ever powerful, ever knowledgeable, present everywhere, and infinite, meaning He is ever-lasting.”

When facing them, Rhoda says,

“Therefore, I would advise the two of you to pray and ask God to grant you the graces of faith first. Then, seek His will by reading the Bible, praying to comprehend what it means, and always attempting to behave because, by doing so, God will undoubtedly grant your prayer requests.”