Seth gently kissed Maya’s forehead in the morning to wake her up. They spent most of the night just cuddling until they fell asleep. He could see Maya was not in the mood, so he didn’t really mind it.
Maya opened her eyes and kissed Seth’s lips.
“Good morning.”
“How are you feeling?” asked Seth with a smile on his lips.
Maya stretched loudly before looking at the sunlight coming through her window as she said: “I’m fine. I think I’m going to skip today’s classes. I need to take care of a few things at the mansion before going to visit your parents.”
“Do you want me to come with you?” asked Seth with a nod while moving his fingers through her soft hair.
Maya shook her head and said: “No. I thought about it and I’m going to let them have some gold as they move out. They will probably die of hunger if I don’t. I also want to have some time alone with your family, especially your mother.”