Henrietta blushed once Seth’s eyes were on her, but she still walked forward. A trace of hesitation and desire to hide could be seen in the way her arms sought to cover her body, but her eyes told a different story, a story that might have not belonged only to her.
“I want to only fight you.”, said Seth right away, recognizing where the look in her eyes was coming from.
Henrietta nodded and closed her eyes before opening them again a few moments later. The lust in her eyes was gone, and they also reflected the same shyness as the rest of her body.
Taking a deep breath, she moved full circle to avoid the other girls appearing in her vision, so she can only focus on Seth, before removing the hands covering her privates.
“Out of sight, out of mind? You know that beats the purpose of this training. If you plan on fighting with your back against the others, I’m only going to embarrass you more.” Said Seth, already having seen through her plan.