Imminent departure

Seth teleported into Hollie’s room and found her wearing a pure white dress, sitting on the edge of the bed with a small trunk by her side. Once Seth appeared, she stood up with a serious look and nodded toward him.

“Is this all you’re taking with you?”

“I need nothing else. I have a few things I kept from my parents and some clothes, but I know you can make me more if I need them.”

Seth smiled and opened a portal leading out of the city, right in front of the airship. Seth had her get ready earlier since she was the one responsible for piloting the airship.

When Hollie's eyes landed on the airship docked in the middle of the forest, her eyebrows rose in surprise as she asked: “Are you going to have Maya build us a river all the way to the Blood Kingdom?”

Seth chuckled and turned towards the airship as well. “No need. This thing will fly through the sky. Float us up there. I’ll give you a tour of the inside.”