Once the door to Saif and Julie’s room opened, Seth smiled wryly and sent his time energy to freeze the nervous-looking Saif who appeared in front of him.
Looking at Julie on the side, he asked: “How did it go?”
Julie looked at her husband, but seeing him not moving, she turned back to Seth: “What did you do?”
“I froze his time so that we could talk. Don’t worry, he’s fine.”
Julie nodded, not really understanding what that meant, before saying: “I told him about it, and he agreed to let go of his grudges if you can heal him.”
“Lisa?” asked Seth, not really caring about how Saif felt.
“I didn’t speak to her about it yet. Changing that girl’s mind won’t be easy anyway, so it would be better if I only mentioned it after you healed Saif.”, said Julie with a sigh, knowing Lisa could sometimes be just as stubborn as her father.
Seth nodded and resumed Saif’s time. After introducing Leora and Caitlin quickly, everyone made their way toward the bed.