Meeting – Second day

On the second day of the meeting, Seth, or, better said, Otis, was not invited to attend again, which was perfect as it better suited his plans.

While the kings were busy discussing their plans and calculating the gold needed to hire a high shell ascended, the door to the meeting room swung open, and a panicking guard fell on his knees in front of the other kings.

Everyone turned towards the sweating guard with frowns on their faces, and Ronald asked: “What is the meaning of this?”

The guard’s entire body shook, and he didn’t dare lift his head from the floor as he said: “Y- Your Majesties, I apologize. Someone is insisting on joining the meeting.”

Everyone frowned, and Ronald was about to order his knights to take the guard away, but Theodor asked: “Who is it?”

“He says his name is Seth and claims to be the King of Endora. We also tried to stop him, but he beat the guards up and forced me to come to announce his presence.”