Pearl’s path. Oath infliltration

Since Henrietta could quickly get everyone out, Seth turned away from his passed-out wives.

With a short sigh, his destruction energy cleaned him up, and a set of clothes started covering his body. Once fully dressed, he rotated his space source and disappeared, appearing on the balcony of the royal palace.

Looking over the morning city, he sighed again. He was about to begin his journey when a notification appeared in his vision.

‘Where is she going?’

Seth nodded and teleported in front of Pearl as she rode a horse through the middle of the city. Pearl pulled the rains of the horse and looked at Seth, a complex look in her eyes.

“Your Majesty.”

Seth stared silently back at her for a moment before throwing a small book toward her.

“I won’t ask anything about where you’re going; just come back home safe. You might no longer be my knight, but you are still one of my pupils.”