Meeting with Lust

Seth frowned when he noticed the change in her eyes and asked: “How are you?”

“Don’t worry. I am fine now.” Said Katy, standing up and looking to her sides.

“Thank you.” She whispered, bending to her right and kissing Maya’s lips before doing the same with Caitlin on her left.

Seth’s frown deepened, and he said: “You’re not Katy.”

Katy looked back at him and smiled as she nodded: “I am not her indeed, but she’s fine. Just resting.”

Seth nodded, getting a feeling of kinship from her as he cleaned and covered himself before asking: “Then tell me. Who or what are you?”

“I’m exactly what you needed me to be, but I had to leave your body for a moment.”

“Leave my body?” asked Seth.

Katy nodded and asked: “Didn’t you find it strange you have no treasure mark?”

“I did, but what does that have with anything?”

Katy stood up and moved to graze Seth’s cheek gently.