A deathly plan

The turn of events left Endora’s ascended speechless and made Life’s still-standing armies fall in despair.

What was once the second-largest Kingdom in the whole northern half of the continent became nothing more than a blood sacrifice to increase the Blood Sun’s power.

The once proud cities, previously filled with life, were now dead silent and covered in the blood of their residents.

The manifestations of the Blood Sun and the Death Incarnation snapped Pearl out of her thoughts, making her also raise her head towards the sky.

“W-what is that?”

“Death,” Seth replied shortly, watching as the Blood Sun began retreating inside the earth and the ominous green light in the far north fading. “Pure death.”

Lisa and Elise returned shortly using a portal, sitting by Seth’s side without saying a single word.

“Good job, both of you. Our way should be clear now.”

Lisa and Elise replied with a nod, and Elise said: “That thing… is it Thanatos?”