Chapter 7

Elise had slept through the rest of the morning and got up early in the afternoon. She had been woken up by the pangs of hunger that wouldn't let her get any more peaceful sleep, it was also a blessing in disguise as she had to prepare herself for thenext day. She made her way to the kitchen, she definitely knew

that she wouldn't find anything there but decided to tryout her luck. Opening the refrigerator, she was shocked to find it fully stocked with fresh vegetables

and ingredients. It was like they had just been brought in . Elise was left wondering whether someone who had traveled abroad would have that pile of food.

Elise however decided not to think so much about it and prepared herself the easiest meal at the time, spaghetti and sausages that were easily available.

She felt no need of heading back to the dining table and decided to enjoy her meal within the kitchen. It tasted much better than she had anticipated. Back at home since every dish prepared included alot of people definitely the taste wouldn't turn out as appetizing as the one she was currently having. She enjoyed her meal in silence as she planned on how to spend the rest of her lonely evening.

The next morning Elise woke up very early to report to work, she had however leant about the availability of a free gym within the apartment and started her day with light work out. She had to maintain her body to achieve the best for her modelling career. She then made her way out of the building to work, it

was 7am one hour to go. Trekking down the already busy streets, Elise decided to look back at the apartment she just left. She was shocked to notice the name of the apartment, the famous Samantha apartment's, frequented by various important figures in the entertainment industry. She could not imagine what kind of luck had befallen her to reside at such grand residence.

The moment Elise stepped into Globe company building, she was met with stares from every side, she wondered what she could have done wrong to attract such a huge attention. Ella who had just entered the building noticed the strange stares directed at Elise. Ella immediately understood what had just happened. She approached Elise and decided to give her a piece of his mind.

"Wow Elise, you have really outdone yourself today. Did you think you were a secretary dressed in such a manner , we are models my dear friend, and such dressing is never thought of in our profession. But from what I can see definitely you can't afford the kind of dressing that's suitable for this job, I can freely advice you to come for donations from my used clothes, better still look for another profession." Ella said arrogantly to Elise when she noticed a crowd already forming at the reception area.

Most of the company employees had gathered around to watch the very scarce spectacle that never happened in their company for a while now. The last time it occurred one of the models lost her job. They wanted to see how far the newbies were willing to take their quarrel.

However the employees got disappointed when Elise decided to walk out of the scene, she has better things to do than lower herself to their level. Besides she really didn't want to spoil any chance she got at work, any little mistake could make her lose her job. She had gone through a lot of struggles in life and won't let just any person to destroy her life. Before Elise could make one more step she felt herself being pulled back by her hair and got really enraged.

"Where do you think you aregoing? I'm not yet done with you so bring your dirty ass over here." Ella continued with her disdainful remarks. The employees had now began laughing at the sceneunfolding right before their eyes.

Elise who was fuming mad was preparing to land a heavy slap on Ella when a deep voice suddenly came from behind the crowd.

"What the hell is going on here? Doyou guys want to be fired right this instant." Said the man dressed in a neat expensive suit.

Everyone froze immediately on the spot when they heard the voice, they were in deep trouble.

"Everyone back to their station this instant, and the two of you to my office." Came the angry and commanding voice. The employees scurried away back to their station, not looking back.They dared not waste any time nor utter a single word. In situations like that everyone stood for themselves, whoever you were no one could support you or they would accompany you in losing the job.

Elise felt her whole world about to crumble down. Was she going to lose her job even before starting? What explanation would she give to grandmother, what about Eva who was so excited that she had become a model. Will she disappoint everyone including Logan who had faith in her and gave her one of the most expensive apartments to reside in.

Elise made her way to the elevator following closely behind Ella who was few steps ahead. She didn't seem bothered by what just happened. Inside the elevator to the thirteenth floor it was just the two of them, Ella and Elise. The two would battle it out within the few seconds to come.

"Don't think that I will losethis job just for a useless trump like you. Besides my dad will just make a call to the company manager and just like that my job is secured. What about you, who do you have?" Ella sneered as she looked at Elise from up till down.

"If you hadn't dressed shabbily we would not have been in this mess. Just know that incase I get punished because of you, you’ll wish that you were never born into this world." Ella continued with her blubbering. Ever since she met that woman she never liked her at all.

Her beauty and her seemingly innocent face annoyed her the most. Elise who was from the village would dare compete against her, the daughter of a billionaire at her work place. Ella swore to never let that happen. She would make her life a living hell till she decided to quit by herself.

Elise stayed quiet throughout the elevator ride, not caring about the insults being thrown at her. Her mind was busy organising her defence before the director. The elevator door stopped and as usual Ella made her way first into the director's office. But it was a miracle that he had not arrived and they had to wait for him by the secretary's office.

Ten minutes passed and with ever second that counted Elise was getting nervous . What wouldnhappen if he had decided to draft their dismissal letters.

She decided to sit calmly while her mind was in disarray. Ella however was unbothered by anything and continued scrollingthroughher definitely expensive

mobile phone, flaunting it before Elise whom she was sure could not afford even quarter of what he spent buying it. The door to the secretary's office opened and Elise felt her heartbeat go wild. The director entered carrying a laptop in his hands. The next few minutes would determine the outcome of her life. The secretary motioned them to follow him inside.

"It's your first day reporting to work and you guys decided tomake trouble for us." The director commented.

"I'm sorry Mr. William for causing trouble at your company this morning, pardon me sir. If it were not for Elise definitely something like this would never have happened today." Ella was the first to speak up. She had to make sure to flaunt before Elise that she knew the director personally while she couldn't tell his name.

"Pardon me sir, I reported to work minding my own business when suddenly Ella stopped me on my way and made a scene. I really didn't have anything to do with it. Ella decided to embarrass me infront of everyone ‚I was just about tofight back when you arrived." Elise explained hoping against hope that the director would believe her.

"Thats' definitely a lie Mr. Wiliam, how could I pick a fight with my workmate, she just wants to get me fired " Ella defended herself, here tone becoming as meek as possible, pretending tobe victim in that situation.

"Sir I can assure you that she's lying. Elise said but before she could finish her statement she was cut off by the director's angry voice.

"Enough both of you. I gave the two of you one chance to talk and both of you have the audacity to start arguing in front of me. Do you guys think that you are the only available models in this country?"

"I have the CCTV footage from what just happened at the reception, the culprit better pray that she doesn't get fired " Mr. William added, opened the laptop infront of him.