Chapter 12

At the Vampire world the brothers were getting weary from the fight, none of them had been successful in eliminating each other. It had taken a great toll on them moving up and about across their world consulting the oldest known vampires but none of them could reveal the secret.

The only ex-king that lived, Gomez's father Jeremy had disappeared immediately he handed over the throne. The three brothers back at the palace had almost lost hope, only Roman and Thomas had decided to take a break for the day while Roman decided to drop a bombshell on Thomas.

"Bro I think I better get going, we have turned the entire world upside down and got nothing, it's now your fight." Roman said and got up from his seat. The two had just come back from a three day search but went back with nothing. Since it hadn't been his aim to become king, Roman decided to distance himself from anything that might cost him his dear life, he might be caught at crossfire.