Chapter 18

Belinda who had been sleeping on the couch was suddenly awakened by the loud thud,

"What was that?" Belinda asked.

"Mother I'm sorry for scaring you but you won't believe what I just found" Alma said

"What is it dear?" Belinda asked as she could see that it definitely wasn't something that was harmful. She sat

up on the coach while Alma browsed through her mobile .The laptop had been cracked and the screen was already dark.

"Here, see this for yourself, Alma said as she handed over the mobile to her mother, the balance was already shown on the screen.

"What! Where would you guys get such a huge amount of money?" Belinda asked, she could not believe that such an amount could be in the possession of her daughter.

"I'm surprised as you are mother, as far as I can remember we only had few thousand dollars saved up, the rest I have no idea how it got in here, Alma said, she still could not understand how her sister got that money.