Chapter 152

"Do you plan on making them suffer forever?" Nate asked as he got downstairs in his shorts and avest, clearly out from the bed.

"That is the least of my concerns, they have to taste the bitter sweet life, right now Mr. Malcolm thinks that he can solve everything just by putting in the military, but all that is useless, in the end they will come begging, only then will I lay out my demands." Logan said proudly.

"I hope it doesn't backfire and they eat us all up, especially we who aren't royal blood like you. What if they decided to ask for assistance from the neighbouring countries?" Nate asked.

"Then we too will be forced to seek helpfrom our friends abroad. Those humans can’t prevail over us when we are the roots of their society, just you wait, it won't be long till someone searches for me,’ Logan said leaning back on the couch, at the same time his mobile rang


"Hope everything is fine back there,’ Logan started.