Chapter 2- The First Meeting


The burly man on the ground, who was straddling the young boy, desperately trying to get his pants down, looked up at Kim enraged.

“Aun! Didn’t I tell you to lock the door?” The man screamed in a gritty voice.

Kim looked up to see another man, about the same age as him, running out of the kitchen, his eyes red-rimmed as he tried to shoo him out of the shop.

“Khun…we are closed.” The man named Aun said urgently, his lips trembling as if in fear. “Please…”

“Closed?” Kim tilted his head to the side. “Closed for what? So you can take advantage of the kid?”

“What advantage?” The older man screamed once again, this time, his voice rose an octave, making Kim grit his teeth in irritation. “Can’t you see we’re closed? Get out! Get the fuck out!”

“Thuanthong Rattakul,” Kimhan called out, looking the older man directly in the eye. “I came to collect the five million baht that you still own us…but I see you’re busy digging your own grave instead. If you can pay the boy 50 thousand a month to sleep with you…why not pay it back to stay alive?”

“Ai hee-ah!” (Son of a bitch!) Khun roared, getting up from the floor after letting go of the Nong roughly. “What five million? Bah (You’re crazy)!”

Kim took a step forward, his lips turning into a small smile that lacked any kind of humor. “My name is Kimhan Asnee Ayutthaya, son of Kraisee Ayutthaya…the man you stole money from while working for him. Ring a bell?”

Khun Thong’s eyes bulged out of his head at the mention of the ‘Lion of Bangkok’, the infamous Mafia lord who he had dared cross once when he was still a hot-headed young blood, stupid enough to think he could get away with his sins. And he had gotten away with it…for over twenty years…but that was because he had been constantly on the run. It had been only this last years that he had decided to settle down in this area, finally getting the confidence that he had managed to escape the Lion after hearing news of his death.

“H-how…how d-did you find me?” Khun seemed to have suddenly lost his voice, and it made Aun turn to him in surprise.

“It wasn’t that difficult.” Kim’s smile never left his face and it made chills go down Khun’s spine, because that smile…he had seen it quiet often in the past. Father and son had similar features. Now he was worried if they had the same temperament.

“I…I…” Khun Thong swallowed, but his throat was suddenly dry. He knew there was no more running now…and the only punishment the Ayutthaya clan was familiar with…

The shot knocked him off his feet, no matter how much he had prepared himself for it. As a former Mafia bagman, he had had experience with how the clan collected their debt from those who dared to betray them. And even though he had seen the new lord, the young man in a blue suit with dark hair and brown eyes, pull out his gun from the waistband of his pants…the shot seemed to reverberate through his entire body, making the pain that much worse.

The yells of the man as he went down was muffled by the sound of the thunder crashing in the background. Kim was thankful for the heavy rains for once, for it drowned out the sound of the filth as he cried for dear life, even though he had only shot him in the thighs. Oh, how he wished it was a few inches higher. Because Kim hated sexual predators the most…hated them with a passion.

Kim stepped forward, walking over to the injured man who was struggling to collect his breath still after getting shot. Lowering himself to his level, he looked at him directly in the eyes, letting him know just who he had crossed. “Wondering why you’re still alive?” Kim asked in a voice that would make the dead cower. “I have to say…you excel at hide and seek. You made me wear out my soles trying to find you. So I’m giving you another chance. I want the money by tomorrow. And if you run again…remember to never let me find you. Because the next bullet…”

He tapped the muzzle of his gun to Thong’s forehead, causing the man to fall back as he trembled and begged, but Kim had no more business with him. Instead, he got up and walked past the pest to reach for the boy who was still lying on the floor.

But the very first look at the boy and it had him pausing. No wonder that conniving Thong was trying to get the kid to sleep with him so desperately.

He was beautiful.

Long dark hair that fell onto his forehead and reached just to his shoulders, and even though it was drenched in sweat, he still wanted to weave his hands through his hair, just to feel them slide through his fingers. His skin was pale and yet he had a fair complexion that many would kill to have.

Kim crouched down to pick him from the floor, noticing how the boy was sweating profoundly. A broken porcelain cup lay on the floor not too far away from him and Kim had a sneaky suspicion as to what had been happening before he had arrived on the scene.

He hoisted up the boy who appeared to be around 19 or 20 years of age, with his hands under his arms and helped him stand on to his feet. The boy wasn’t all that heavy and it made him wonder if he was getting enough nutrients.

“Can you stand?” He asked the boy gently, making sure to support most of his weight onto his body. “Are you feeling alright?”

“No…” Kim was caught off-guard by the husky, breathless whisper.

“Come on.” He wrapped one arm tightly around the boy’s tiny waist while he hoisted the other over his shoulder as he walked out of the tiny restaurant and into the pouring rain outside.

An umbrella was immediately held over his head as one of Kim’s men rushed up to him to help his sire, but Kim refused to let go of his charge.

“I’ll take him home.” Kim told his Aawut, his most trusted bodyguard and friend. “Take care of everything here and make sure to report to me in the morning.”

“Yes, sire.” Aawut bowed his head before stepping out of the way as his boss made his way to his car. He held the umbrella over their head as his boss placed the boy into the passenger seat and shut the door. “Do you want me to drive, Sir?”

“No need.” Kim shook his head. “I’ll take care of it.”

Walking over to the driver’s seat, Kim got in and fastened both their seatbelts before starting the car and heading onto the highway, leaving his bodyguard to take care of his business.

From beside him, he could hear the heavy breaths of the boy who was starting to get restless in his seat.

If it wasn’t enough to confirm his suspicion, he looked down and found the bulge in his pants that he had already been expecting. Sexual stimulants.

It made Kim want to go back and put that bullet into his head instead.

“Where’s your house?” Kim asked the Nong, his voice strained as the heavy breathing increased from the passenger’s side of the car. “I’ll take you there.”

“No!” The husky, panicked whisper made Kim’s head snap at the direction of the boy next to him, only for him to meet eyes of hazel with pure golden flakes. “Not my house! Anywhere but my house!”

“Then where do you want to go?” Kim swallowed, gripping the steering wheel with both hands in a white knuckled grip. “I have a condo nearby.”

He hadn't meant to say it, or take the boy to any of his private establishments, but he couldn’t think of abandoning him at a hotel either with the way he was right now. Anyone who saw the state he was in would likely take advantage of the boy…

Was Kim seriously debating it? Was he actually thinking about taking the boy to one of his many hideouts without even knowing who he was?

“Please…” the boy begged, making the decision for Kim. “Help me…”