Chapter 13: Staying or Running Away?


Kit opened his eyes to the bright morning light streaming in through the large glass windows at the end of the room.

He tried to raise his hand to his eyes, feeling exhausted like he had never felt before. His entire body was aching and there was a dull throb in his head that threatened to turn into a migraine at any moment.

A low groan left his throat. He wanted that light gone…it was too much. But he didn’t have the strength to go over and pull the curtains.

As if someone had heard his thoughts, the curtains in that direction were pulled shut, cutting off the light and providing him with instant relief as the room was shrouded in darkness. Actually, it wasn’t really that dark, but the sudden change made the room seem darker than usual.

“How are you feeling?” A familiar deep voice washed over his senses as a cool hand landed on his forehead. He recognized the voice…but he was having trouble matching it to a face.