Chapter 29: Enemy’s Enemy


“The Russian’s aren’t locals,” Kim cursed out. “How the hell did they come in contact with him?”

And when had the Russian mafia made base in Thailand without the knowledge of any of the Chao Pho families?

Some traders now and then weren’t unheard of. In fact, some of the suppliers that came from overseas to trade weapons and drugs were members of the Bratvas. But an entire clan with a don residing here in Pattaya? That wasn’t something Kimhan had expected to hear.

“At the south of the Central Market area, the Russians have set up their base in one of the warehouses.” Aawut informed Kim. “The base didn’t exist until about two months ago, but according to the locals here, one of the gang leaders was killed in an open fire between the gangs and they had taken over both the gang’s members and their hideout as well as their remaining stash.”

“And now they’re operating out of that base while using their men to do their dirty work.” Kim grit his teeth together in anger.