Chapter 40: All to Myself


“I promise.”

Kim had hoped that Kit would change his mind, but watching the resolve in the kid’s eyes made him believe that maybe, he might be able to go through with all of this after all.

It’s not that he hadn't considered this possibility before; he knew he had to produce an heir because that had been his family’s legacy even before he took over from his father. The next generation of Jao por had to produce an heir as soon as they came to power.

It was done to safeguard the rule and to ensure that the next generation was ready to take over in case the previous generation suffered an untimely death.

But he was different, not like the previous dons who had ruled over the Ayutthaya family with an iron fist. He liked men…and now, he liked this nong who seemed to test his patience at every turn. But try as he might, he couldn’t give up on him. He was in love with Kit.