Chapter 50: Spare No Detail


When Kit awoke the next day, his body was sore from last night’s activities and P’Kim had already gone to work. Nonetheless, Kit forced himself to get out of bed—the time on his phone read 7 AM, and he still had class at 9. With the finals so close, he couldn’t even dare miss classes, no matter how much his body protested.

He swiftly got ready, and by 8, he was ready to go. As P’Aawut was off to duty with P’Kim, it was P’David who drove him to school this morning, and the ride went by fairly quickly.

As he made his way to the canteen to meet up with his gang, immediately he sensed that something was off. He hadn’t had the best morning, but he was still in relatively high spirits, so the mood within his circle of college friends was quite glaring, to say the least.