Face to face with Death

The sound of guns clashing against each other approaching the target. The cries of different languages filter Badrika's sense of hearing to interpret her current condition. Then Badrika's body shot forward at high speed. The weapons worn by the guards are thrown carelessly, pressing vital points and knocking down opponents like fighting dolls or punching bag training kicks. The problem is the brand doesn't know the opponent is Badrika or Mr. X in the Wolf and sheep Game.

Children looking at long distances can not say anything. Badrika's strength was clearly higher than they were against three little boys who lost five minutes. No wonder the wages that Mr. X hires are a hot topic. Badrika took out a bullet in front of one of the guards who shrank in fear. The barrier Item belonging to Badrika was not pierced at all. The glare of hateful eyes is very clear. "Where are the children? I guarantee your life will be spared if you give me that information."

The royal attitude of the guards should have Badrika know they are not easy to share the information of his clients. Screaming in several directions caused them to lose strength being bitten by his little wolf. Badrika held back a smile. The Pet obtained at this special event is highly commended for its performance. The guard's face was pale as Badrika deliberately pressed against his stomach and his shot leg. Badrika took out only pistols, rifles and long swords. X junior paved Badrika's way to the rich man's residence.

"I repeat again. Where are the kids now?"Badrika's birthday slightly raised the sense of terror that the guard received. The guards around trembled looking at the wolf glitch on Badrika's body radiating fierceness and great snaking revenge. "Don't tell me we're fighting Mr. X!"hoarse guard guarding the main door of the residence. Badrika distracts while smiling sarcastically. "You think there are duplicate accounts to match the original? if so, I suspect..."

The movement of Badrika's body to the place of the source of the sound, propping up her chin playfully and noticing the expression of fear that intoxicated the entire area couldn't be anything signifying. "It can be obtained with cheap hackers."Without further ado, Badrika snaps her fingers, automatic lighter and oil items walk around the house and process what Badrika needs.

During the request, Badrika turned her back to help destroy the guards who were hit by the trap unable to move and open the sound at all. Lucky Badrika playful spirit of his fight. If seriously, Badrika is aiming for a single-use destruction booster item. The distance of the item is 1 hectare of its explosion range. The duration of its acceleration decreases after ten minutes of wear. X junior again brought someone else's broken leg inside his bite.

Badrika's breath is controlled first and then gives a nice compliment to her pet. "Geez, you're so excited to be a rabid dog huh? how many victims did you break off their legs and arms?"Badrika reached out her hand, inhaled the smell of blood dripping down and read the odds statistics. Look at the number of victims who were torn to pieces by X junior with great pride. The tail wags together when the owner is happy and sincere.

"Here, x junior! you're the best for today. The promise will be kept," said Badrika, snuggling between her nose and the nose of her pet who barked loudly. The condition of the front yard is very bleak, smelling of carcasses and lives of defeat quite a lot. The weapons were seized by Badrika. Even though there was a guard who firmly held his weapon, he immediately ran away and did not want to face Badrika. Badrika's eyebrows went up and down intending to tease and belittle the opponent's combat power.

'I could have died if I hadn't carried the weapon that the green snake gang had. In this game, weapons, equipment and vehicles are ready as long as there is money or can be for free,' batin Badrika shrugged, issued a spell chant open all the locks that block the way Badrika and blew a loud whistle. The children rushed in. A little scared because Badrika's face was filled with a deep red color.

"We're in. I've finished it here, " Badrika's command was carrying the three weapons used to the large family residence. Without a shout, they entered like soldiers ambushing terrorists in hiding. Dead bodies are ignored as long as the Mission Continues. Moreover, Badrika can read people's minds where the children who rent it crave happiness after meeting their friends.

The front door is open. The guard who was guarding tried to remove the special bridle of the horse tied to the support post. "You guys stay here. Me and my colleagues enter, " goodbye Badrika gave her way, followed the blue map route to the location and entered the first elevator. The boys went in first but Badrika pressed the bottom button. Badrika's stern face grew louder as the guards inside the residence began to react with loud alarms.

"You're still carrying the two weapons I gave you, aren't you? just hold it and release it if needed. I'll take care of all the floors. When you reach your destination, you must hide and inform me. Got it?"

"Yes, Mr. X!"exclaimed the children submerged in his voice as the elevator walked down the numbers. Badrika put a long sword tucked in a row of teeth and a short-range gun was activated. The rifle is slung behind the shoulder. The entire Guard withstood the forced spit. Badrika really wants to finish everything without remaining. X junior filled his roar around the House. "Hello, everyone. Sorry to interrupt. We can party here. Dead or alive, right?"

Earlier salam mentioned Badrika provoked the anger of the guards in black and white uniforms. They started blocking the way out. Badrika is warming up. The shouts of the group leader landed dozens of shots in the direction of Badrika. Badrika's posture aligns the firing direction and sharp weapons to cry out all attacks. Long swords and pistols were alternately worn. Already professionals fight the number of biased people in the eyes of Badrika.

TRING! Trang! Door! Badrika performs body turns, evasive movements, counterattacks and searches for footstools to land then bullies souls who are not ready to usher in their deaths. The history of the Badrika fight cannot be counted since it was first taught by the leader of the Green Snake Gang. Some people condemned him to have to wait for the death that Badrika picked up.

As said, this game really doesn't make any sense in clearing things up. In the Notes section there are abundant bonuses that finish off all any guards. Badrika can't help but complete all the special missions in the location until they run out. Even though his life is at stake. Badrika was more pleased to acknowledge his death with respect than whining for forgiveness and prostration. Bullets in the gun discharged directly inserted into the item and replaced the sword that cut the opponent's body mercilessly. Rivers of blood seeped everywhere.

The guards on the second floor and beyond came to where Badrika was. 'Good, I don't have to go up the stairs anymore. I have to defend my position so that the children find their friends. While I can I want to catch up with them.'Badrika moved quickly in the wind, piles of corpses in the corner when Badrika unleashed a deadly attack and stuck a lightning element spell accompanied by a deafening sound caused by X junior helped increase the volume of volts of electricity reaching large areas. The electric attack made the guards collapse unable to withstand the tension of the electricity entering the body.

The throwing net item sprang up as three people rushed into the emergency riser door. "Oops, of course I can't let you guys go to the children's place. Face me, please."