"This is a mess, ladies and gentlemen. We get a lot of shots about Mr. X The wolf glitch! Are you surprised the number of downloaders of this game is getting more and more because of him?!"shouted one of the employees began to use his attention-grabbing tips in front of the main room. There are important people busy talking about the exploding number and cases that must be covered with thick face. Those who use the Wolf and sheep Game system cannot allow the children under its jurisdiction to fall apart and look weak.
"This news is viral because of Mr. X's actions. Are we gonna let it go again?"Tapping the number of votes indicates agreeing to respond to the message delivered. A messenger of immediate messages of confidence when the uppermost rumbling voice is ready to judge his sudden arrival. Not to mention other responses saying that the unique account is very curious. A slanting smile behind each mask thought about the consequences.
"Do you remember that haunted house? the environment wasn't healthy until I felt nauseous. Moreover, I am not used to seeing commoners everywhere," refuted the mask with a sad face looking for information on the existing discussion. The mask of rage chimed in that the circumstances favored every wolf glitch that roamed. "Our customer service is a bot. It used to be real people but due to lack of people and not being able to keep up with the rules, we all got rid of whatever was there."
"That means the problem that Mr. X gave back then was a bot and not a person when sending the problem message?!"Face mask two shook his head unconvinced. The message Mr. X sent to the system was still recruiting human members so the permissible answer still made sense. "No, it's different again. Look at this difference, " said a grumpy monkey mask showing two images of a human answering customer service and another of a bot.
Then screenshots of several X accounts are in demand with hashtags on social media rampant. "The more people talk about it in other parts of the world the better. Oh you guys remember the list of account names that went into Mr. X's mission today. Looks like uninvited guests are passing through our system."The mask is dark and the mask has no expression approaching. Everyone was nervous over the aura that was emitted. The tallest couple got down from their seats while opening the conversation again.
"We want to make sure that Mr. X does not switch hearts to our competitors' games. I hope we can persuade him with his irreparable error account. What can we do for the game!"a loud echo cannot justify a different opinion. The messenger heard the contents of the discussion in front of the main door due to the sharp power of his hearing immediately a radiant smile.
You can get a picture of anything on account X as long as the top three genres let it go instead of closing account X which has the physical appearance of wolf glitch. 'I gave this information to the wolf glitch fan group! Oh my God, I can't wait to hear their chatter.'
Badrika riding his motorcycle still using the same speed. However, the atmosphere on the streets affects his health. Sneezing and flu attacks make X junior question his condition again. "Nothing is impossible. I am an ordinary human being but what power do I have a small child's disease, " said Badrika while maintaining speed towards the location of the park.
Ten minutes infused greenery all over the body slowly disappears on its own after proper washing. The effect was felt until his mind penetrated his account naturally. Badrika not sure arise herbal medicines make great enough power. The Level rises by a fraction of a second with a red exclamation mark explaining that the game account is dying or recovering. Anyone who attacks him without permission will be automatically deported.
It's sad to hear that this will happen later. "X Junior, don't ask anymore. I don't know what it takes to stop this."Badrika stuck the gas so that the distance to the location is getting closer. X junior was forced to bite off Badrika's blue jeans jacket for fear of being carried away by strong winds. Notification of fines paid Badrika due to the storage of money transferred in to pay directly.
Then Badrika jumped forward and replaced the bike lost in the storage item. X junior shrieked in shock with a heart palpitations caught Badrika's hearing. "The most important thing is that we arrive. Well you can take a walk. Wear restraint or free?"Badrika's question was chosen by her little wolf glitch asking a free decision playing around. Before Badrika release the pet outdoors where the location has not been connected will be put on a determining necklace.
"This necklace secures you within my reach. So you go wherever I know your position. Go away! come back with this toy when you're done," the order Badrika was handing over the bone toy sounded loud when bitten. X junior turned around, preparing to blast his body into the playground with a happy face and away from the crowd. Then Badrika took a seat.
Given the duration of one hour, Badrika surfed looking for black market websites with VPN abroad and the location is always mutually make it difficult to find. Both hands badrika actively looking for information selling necklaces and earrings that are a decade old at the same price according to the market. Websites now have many firewalls to conquer. Badrika's slight smile reminded one client who had long been circulating around the black market.
"I'm very lucky that the man's WeChat account is still active. I changed my profile just like my account in the Wolf and sheep Game and typed chat..."Badrika is waiting for a reply while sending two images that can be ascertained to be sold unreasonably. Location X junior is still on the safe line for about the park. Although Badrika deliberately added items that amplify the video and sound of anything passed by X junior.
At least there is evidence that Badrika has pets on her behalf. Badrika heard a short reply chatnya teach tutorials how to enter the list of goods and discord specifically so that people in it between partners, buyers and sellers only under the auspices of the person. Badrika gave the present address for the old man to come himself. There's at least one honor they haven't seen in a long time.
Children's laughter in the Garden integrates a wide variety of the most innocent types of human expression. Since then Badrika has never left the weak human race even though she was a former child of the Green Snake Gang. The tapping of the fingers on the back of the garden chair follows the rhythm. The sound of the song playing on the earphones automatically comes to life while whistling pleasure. "Do you expect us to come here with open arms?"
Badrika's face was firm by hiding her true expression. The one who came to bring the guard to the center of attention. A typical Chinese suit, an animal fur scarf around the neck and a bun of blood-red hair are smoking old tobacco. His men looked down. Still questioning self-esteem Badrika still calm. Usually others will leave without looking back rather than die at the hands of a certain person.
"Not really. I know your style, Miss N. Your eyes really miss someone strong and trusted next to you. Am I wrong?"said Badrika was putting her thin lips on the palm of the ageless woman with a short laugh then continued her sign of respect for several years before the partner work ended.