
Badrika shed tears next to make the attitude of White and Black judged the crowd. Friends of the struggle cannot win events that take place just like that. Badrika wiped away tears when the village chief approached with an old stick, the body trembling and the blind eyes that Badrika saw had not been able to stop crying suddenly. The village chief is the same. What happened?'badrika's inner self was momentarily traumatised but well taken care of using the sheep account.

"I was shocked, Sir. I don't feel like my journey is smooth so a little entertainment is okay. Thank you, White and Black, " said Badrika asked for a high-five and then issued a voice of male hand power each. Their ignorance was forgiven Badrika, asking for help to listen to serious requests and operate a special plan between men and women distinguished. "I'm sorry, Mr. X. We will help your face repair."Badrika's hand hinders the goodwill of the people who want to help clean her face.

"I can use this item. Faster. You guys just help me get to the village chief's House."The children went into the crowd looking in amazement over the healing items doused all over Badrika's body darting away, wounds missing and moving elbows that scratched a lot. The efficacy of this item means that it is quite interesting for the general public. Black and White gulp forced to know the item is expensive on the market depending on the level purchased.

"I want to go. Just help me stand up and do what I ask. Sorry I'm spoiled now."The village chief told the big boys to take Badrika on a regular trip. Black and White are at the end of the March. The view of the sea refreshes anyone's eyes. Although Badrika experienced a fall into the salt there is still no obstacle that is usually used. All around there are special items as far as the eye can see.

If so instead of an item that Badrika had just seen could help repel the thugs, Badrika asked the village representative to tell her any of the questions. "This village is all using that game account, Mr. X. We are very grateful to have received the help of city people who made us experimental materials. Of course there are our prices that are first used before the game releases."

Badrika did not know any particular reliable person willing to accept without fear of the consequences of strangers. "But you have to be careful. I suggest you check your account data and stuff if something strange happens here."Unfortunately Badrika's suggestion was considered funny. The act of laughing in unison caused Badrika to lose her voice. As is known directly, the company has the guise of complex problems related to the development and process of the game.

Then Badrika asked a second question about children and babies having their own Wolf and sheep game accounts. None of them are Alana-like mixed accounts or Badrika's error accounts. Everything looks normal. But the black and White fight in the back made Badrika have a lot of questions. At least those two accounts are the most powerful among the people carrying them. Just a few but not enough to subdue the thugs who seek gargantuan into the village.

"There are a lot of them, Mr. X. We eleven people can be evicted easily. Our Level is like this. Can not be upgraded anymore."Black targeted Badrika directly to cut off the conversation without permission. The village representative said goodbye leaving a lot of space between Badrika and Black and then returned to where the village chief was carried. White annoys them knowing every second Is Bored. Alis naik Badrika describes the accounts used by the people of this village are evaluation accounts.

Any success rate will find the maximum point of the trial so that nothing else changes. But Badrika closed her eyes despite being brought slowly by a message from the village head to recognize accounts that could potentially change one day. The flow of black and White energy is almost the same as the flash of events that Badrika experienced. In the area of the settlement stretched far forest trees. All over Badrika's body stood up her hair.

"Mr. X, we will be here soon. What in the Woods makes you shiver?"White's question was immediately taken to agree. The places that others underestimate because they are not sensitive to the wandering aura are just silent gazes Badrika shows. Normal people don't get the same vision. Badrika's entourage on the road stopped. Black and White move into statues. Thick fog accompanied by a foul aura tickled Badrika's nose.

The same smell as the corpse in other memories belongs to Badrika. Even though Badrika did not recognize the event, Badrika looked at the front with a pale face. Bodies full of the same deep red blood started from head to toe bare on the cold streets before the village chief's House approached Badrika slowly, sniffing each other's scent and shrinking the distance of his pan to Badrika. Wolf glitch slowly comes out in Badrika.

The account of the error experienced by Badrika moves quickly to unite towards the man. The teeth United wet ground, smelly breath and shouted loudly. Badrika's ears were closed to try her hearing was not injured but the two human hands that glance at the same face lowered her face and banging between foreheads. "Don't stay here or you will be miserable. Please!"the creature's pint harmonizes the fear of wolf glitch's tail and ears.

Badrika's heart doubled in work as the figure penetrated into her and then disappeared. The atmosphere around was instantly cold. Rain water falls to earth without any notice. The village entourage didn't care about Badrika's expression on the streets who was caught red-handed being caught doing strange acts rather than letting her guests get soaked. The shock of his body moving to the left two five centimeters instantly dispersed his fear.

'What is this? the effect of my error account? why does he look like me?!'batin Badrika is sticking her hand in confusion. Five minutes later the village group told Badrika to take a shower first, take good clothes typical of the village and the village chief waved his hand when the people began to leave the House. Black and White entered the living room with a face of much curiosity. Immediately Badrika moved to a separate bathroom in the back.

The village chief shouted an order to serve six servings of dinner. Badrika heard it immediately speed up the cleansing of his body. At least they are worried that Badrika is afraid of colds if not as soon as possible to change a new appearance. Her full-body mirror displayed sheep's account. This strange feeling still haunts Badrika's mind due to the sudden request. X junior in the hologram of Mr. X's account does not want to be willing to go out.

'You want it tomorrow? will this persuade him with the food and drink I sent him?'Badrika pressed the brand of dish that X junior liked while cleaning her body in the warm water. Bathroom items are not as luxurious as in the apartment or hotel that Badrika occupies but the adaptation of Badrika is very high. There is no complaint if he bathed in a large barrel like boiled alive.

But for the people of gentong besar it is very special. Typical village Bathtub. Badrika relaxes her mind to the part of her memory. In his account history also left traces. There you can click Confirm video to reply back. The distance of Badrika's index finger hung as a slow knock on the bathroom door was heard and said, " Mr. X hurry up and come here. We prepare dinner dishes. Take a quick shower, please."

The sound of White moving close his wolf glitch ears was replaced for a second by sheep's account. Badrika's Dejavu is getting stronger. When Badrika had a concussion that made the memory embedded in her subconscious, Badrika straightened her body to get out. "Yes White. I'll be right there!"